View Full Version : Need reassurance and someone to say your ok (sorry long thread)

24-09-09, 09:27

I have been suffering/struggling with panic attacks and health anxiety for a little over a year now, it was all triggered when I went for a routine blood sample at the Doctors and fainted twice, then at the end of the same week my husbad was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes which terrified me. At first I didn't know what was happening to me and it was so scarey with symptoms such as: pounding heart, stiff neck, dry mouth which led to lumps on the back of my tongue, a weird headache which felt like I had a helmet on, churning stomach and nausea constant fear and feeling that I was going to faint.

A couple of weeks ago finally went back to the Doctors as my panic attacks were gradually creeping up on me again, I broke down in tears with her but felt alot better for it, my problem is my new phobia of anything medical, Doctors or Dentists. I was prescribed Citalopram 10mg and had to start by taking 1 a day for a week then 2 a day for a week then back to the Doctor for a review which I had yesterday. When I started the tablets I only had one which was on the Thursday and then on Saturday and Sunday felt horrific, couldn't understand why I felt so ill, no temperature but churning stomach, feeling sick, feeling faint, hot flushes the lot, anyway my Mum said to me that she thought it was all in my head and when I thought about she was right, how did I not notice that I was having severe panic attacks, anyway I'm ok now. The citalopram I have been taking for 2 weeks now and the side affects were pretty grim but mainly was an overwhelming chill and hot flush, I felt cold inside but hot on the outside, these would wear off plus I am more aware of my panic attacks and anxiety which I believe is these tablets.

My biggest problem is anything medical, I can't help but assume the worst case scenario and I terrify myself which leads to panic attacks. For instance my 8 year old son complained of a headache yesterday tea-time and I noticed that he had hardly drunk anything at school. So I overloaded him with drinks and was happy he was no longer de-hydrated from checking his urine. However the Calpol I gave him didn't seem to work and put him to bed and at 1.45am he woke me up still complaining of a headache, gave him more calpol and he went back to bed and slept through. This morning he still was complaining although he wasn't crippled with it or anything so gave him Ibuphrophen, he had a drink and ate breakfast, he did have a temperature of 37.1 which is just slightly high. I am terrified the phone is going to ring and it be school asking me to collect him and having to take him to the Doctors and panicing even more, I feel wound up just writing this and talking about it. If I can't answer illnesses I assume something awful, like he has a headache because he was de-hydrated but then I panic when the paracetamol and juice doesn't help much?

A friend of mine's 5 year old daughter has just been diagnosed with petti mal epilepsy after a couple of weeks of terror when she had a fit and the ambulance came, a helicopter the lot, this as you can imagine made me a nervous wreck. On Tuesday I had to collect my son's from school for a Health Visitor appointment when I returned them there was an ambulance at school, I felt my panic coming on and then noticed it was my friends daughter who had had a fit at school and was being taken to hospital. Anyway I asked another friend this morning how it was all going and she said that they are doing all the tests again and going to investigate the leasions on her brain that showed on the scan, however they are worried as her behaviour is changing and hitting her Mum etc, I was told this about an hour and a half ago and still feel all panicking from it.

I just wish I could be like I used to be and not assume the worst and not panic myself to death when someone is ill, can anyone help to just help me to get a grip.

Thanks for reading. x

24-09-09, 10:53
Hello Hazy
By visiting these forums you will realize that you are not alone and as unique as your symptoms may appear to be there will be others here with the same symptoms.
Your body and mind are very sensitized at present and this can bring on reaction to matters that may of normally not worried you at all. The thing to remember is that these are just bad thoughts of what you think may happen, not what will actually happen.
When I was at my worst the sight of an ambulance or driving any where near my local hospital would bring on panic.
Lots of people faint when giving blood or seeing blood, its very common. Maybe for the time being stay away from the news papers and tv news which may cause added distress.
You will be like you used to be but it can be quite a journey back.
Next time this happens just slow everything down, try to quietly rationalize what is happening. If you jump to the worst scenario, bring yourself back a few steps and try and put it in perspective.
So remember your feelings are because of being so sensitized, not a true reflection of how it will always be.
Take care