View Full Version : why do i have dizziness

anxious elephant999
24-09-09, 10:00
Hi i have alot of dizziness most of the time which has turned me agrophobic coz im so scared of it , the docs says she thinks its anxiety but i cant understsnd why i get this most of the time if im not hyperventerlating ,could someone please let me know if they have any ideas why this is happening , ive had MRI which came back ok and ecg that was ok and numerous bloodtests that were ok , i cant be left on my own and i cant go out which is a bit inconvienent as my daughter needs to get to school and people are getting fed up with me asking them for help

24-09-09, 10:20
Hi Anxious,

You get dizzy because you are an anxious elephant. And hyperventilation is a symptom of anxiety like dizziness is. But most people do not get all the anxiety symptoms and you don't have to hyperventilate to be dizzy . I do not get dizziness (not entirely correct, I did when I first went on Seroxat but only for 3 days) but I have hyperventilated. And I know which I would prefer. Hyperventilation is a shocking experience it feels like you are being suffocated. I have had many anxiety symptoms over the years but it is easily the most distressing one I have encountered. So Anxious be thankful for small mercies.

All the best
