View Full Version : Panic returned after childbirth

24-09-09, 10:30
Hi all

I used to post on here a long time ago. I got better, yay!

Trouble is recently since after having my little girl I have in the past month (she is three months) started getting panic attacks again. I can't believe they've returned after I was doing so well.

I have started to think again that I have problems with my heart even though my husband keeps telling me there's nothing wrong. I'm due to go to the Dr tomorrow to just get checked out so I can work on my panic if this is all it is. But I am worried they will just diagnose panic because of my history and not check me over to make sure everything is ok wit my heart.

I started getting palpitations again and yesterday was a particularly bad day. They don't seem to have built up this time though they've just come straight back really bad.

Has anyone else experienced this?

24-09-09, 13:04

Yes, having been fairly well for a while my panic attacks came back after my elder son was born. My GP at the time taught me self-hypnosis which worked really well.

I certainly found the first few months with a new baby very stressful and I'm sure that was why I had problems.

Hope your doc is able to help x

25-09-09, 11:21
Thanks for your reply. GP was great todya and has sent me to get a cardiomemo again. She thinks the palpitations I'm having are just linked to anxiety and that it can come on a lot stronger after childbirth because of the enormity of parenthood. It's nice I'm being taken seriously though. It's such a horrible thing to go through I want to nip it in the bud. Fingers crossed I'm ok.