View Full Version : Please help

anx mum
24-09-09, 11:17
I am writing this in tears:weep: guess im really looking for some answers alot of u probly know ive had constant headaches for 6 weeks now mainly on my left side of head feels like a dull ache and when i press its sore 2 touch. Really dont understand why im gettin these headaches

24-09-09, 11:24

Sorry you are feeling so low
you you think it could be sore because you keep prodding it, i know i have done the same with a mole,


24-09-09, 11:36
I had a very similar thing and was convinced I was truly ill, I went to see a consultant who explained about tension and the subsequent side effects. He suggested applying a heat pad to my neck and base of my skull area. I thought he was mad and was missing something serious, however I went home applied a hot water bottle and 30 mins later my headache disappeared. Give it a go
Hope it helps


anx mum
24-09-09, 11:51
thanks hun for your reply how long did u have headaches for? Were they constant?

24-09-09, 12:16
Hi anx mum

This type of headache, on the left side of my head was my first fear when I got HA. I had all kinds of neaurological exams because after two-three months of headaches I was in a real state, so the doctor sent me everywhere.
Everything was clear, and still the headache continued, I went back to the neuro doctor and she said because touching makes it heart more it might be something to do with the nerves running on the outside rather than deep inside my head, and I should take B vitamin supplements.

Anyway after a while I calmed down and after about 6 months(!!!!) the left-sided headache got better as I focused on it less. Now I know that it must have been because of the anxiety, but it was surprisingly strong, very real and annoying.

Please feel better :hugs:

24-09-09, 13:07
my ha started a long time ago with headaches silly question and prob going over ground have you had your eyes tested recently?


anx mum
24-09-09, 13:14
Yeah hun im short sighted im so worried hun. Hope ur ok?

24-09-09, 13:20
im not great bev i hope this gets better soon for you its a nightmare isnt it xx

anx mum
24-09-09, 14:06
bloody is sick of it too b honest