View Full Version : Worried about my Heart

24-09-09, 12:00
I recently went to the doctors with my anxiety. My doctor wanted me to wear a 24hr heart monitor. The results came back and showed my heart was beating abit to quickly every so often. My doctor said it could just be because of anxiety, but wants it checking out to be on the safe side thats all. Also give me beta blockers for the time being. Now i have to go to a cardiologist and got a letter confirming my appointment. On the letter it said "if your require surgery" which as sent my anxiety sky high :weep: Now im thinking maybe there is something seriously wrong now. Recently ive been doing well with my anxiety.

24-09-09, 12:22
In what context did it mention surgery?

Was it specific to you or was it a general letter that probably gets sent to all patients?

24-09-09, 20:29
When i see the cardiologist which is just an appointment to make sure there is nothing seriously wrong with my heart. It was saying it to say if there is something wrong surgery might be needed. Which got me really worried

24-09-09, 20:52
Try not to worry, I have suffered with severe anxiety/panic attacks since around the age of 21, I am now 29 and it has affected my life so much. I started getting problems with my heart and have ended up twice in A & E with palpatations and a racing heart rate, I to had a 24 hour monitor fitted which showed my heart rate was fast, I take Propranalol tablets twice a day to control this, doctor thinks its linked to my anxiety, sure it is nothing serious and try not to fret as that really does make everything feel 10 times worse.

25-09-09, 00:50
Poor you!

I've had panic about my heart for years, largely due to ectopic beats, and I've spoken to loads of doctors about it - and what I can tell you is that they really, really don't mess around when there's concern about a serious heart problem. If your ECG had shown up anything really disturbing, you'd have been sent straight in.

It sounds to me like they erring on the side of caution, which is good.

Do you have any other symptoms, aside from anxiety? If not - that should reassure you. Serious heart problems are not subtle, you'd know it - every doctor I have ever spoken to has said the same thing.

Best wishes :)