View Full Version : I'm so scared.

24-09-09, 13:31
I must say I'm really scared at the moment. I've been getting this thing with my eyesight for a couple of months where I feel cross eyed when I look at anything in the distance and I feel like I'm sensitive to the light. I took a trip to the GP explaining my symptoms which also includes, numbness, tingling and pins and needles all over my body. She said she'd refer me to a neurologist and I got a phone call the next day to go in and see him which was this morning. When I sat down he looked at the sheet in front of him then said so matter of factly "Suspected Brain tumour." As you can imagine this sent me into a complete panic as this was so out of the blue and I thought I was going to be sick. Any way he took some history down and ruled out MS with the pins and needles and numbness and said it could be the anxiety and panic which is causing these problems. As a precautionary measure he's referring me for a brain scan in around 6 weeks which is now just made my panic and anxiety leves shoot through the roof. I've not been suffering with headaches and my eyesight is perfect so I thought it strange she suspected a brain tumour. The neuro said the scan will probably come back normal but wants to check just to be on the safe side so now I've got this over my head for the next 6 weeks which is going to be living hell for my anxiety levels. I can honestly say I've never been so scared in my life :scared15:

24-09-09, 14:09
What an un-sympathetic B***tard
Try ad focus on the fact he said it is only a precaution and it is probably anxiety
we all have a tendency to focus on the worst parts of any conversation.
at least after the scan you can rest assured you have no tumor

x x