View Full Version : General Anesthetic, help :(

24-09-09, 14:12
Does anyone worry about having this done? I have a small procedure done tomorrow, which will take about 30 mins, and have to be put out for it, i am totally freaking out!!

I have looked online at the bupa website and yes is does say that GA is generally safe to carry out. I can't stop thinking worst case scenarios, and off course that makes me feel even worse and scared about having it done :weep:

Any advice

24-09-09, 14:52
im in the same situation - have to have sedation for a procedure in 10 days time.

Any advice would be great


24-09-09, 15:51
All I can say is thank goodness for this. Imagine what people did before this was invented! I have had many procedures done but there are different levels of anesthesia. Some are IV sedation and some are general anesthesia. My advice is to ask before the procedure (or after) what anesthesia you had so you will know for the future how you reacted. I wake up and ask, "When are you starting?". It's wonderful, you have no idea what happened. Only once did I vomit because it was serious surgery and I threw up for a second but the other many times, I was just fine. Don't be scared, really, within a few seconds, you are totally unaware, you know nothing, feel nothing.

24-09-09, 15:53

I can totally sympathise with you, this is one of my biggest fears too, i dont know if any of you have had a general anaesthetic before, i have twice, and actually it was ok, but this was before i had a huge anxiety problem, and it is something i dread if it were to happen now. i think the problem is control... i want to be in total control, with everything, and that is just not possible with most things in life.
I had to have a minor procedure done a couple of months ago, luckily i didnt have to have a GA, but due to health anxiety the build up was horrendous, but the actual procedure was better than i expected.

The only advice i can give, is to get as much information as you can about what to expect, talk your fears over with the consultant/dr/dentist and come up with a plan. if its possible maybe some mild sedation just to relax you, and helps you go along with what is happening, i think the other thing is trust, you have to try and put you trust in the persons involved in doing your procedure, if you can talk things through with them , you will feel in much more control of whats going on, the thing to remember is trying to stop fighting agaisnt it, and trying to accept it , if its going to have to happen, what can i do to make it more tolerable for me.

When i had my procedure recently, i talked it through with the staff and had a plan, , that involved, depending on where i was placed on the operating list, when to take some sedation ( i have a bit of a problem with this too, all control again, so i did about 4 days where i built up my sedation, to feel more comfortable, than just trying to do it on the day) , and when to take pain killers etc, and i felt better that they understood my fears, and i went pretty much at my own pace, and before i knew it , it was over. I was shatteerted, but i had done it..... now i know facing a GA will feel a bit different , but if it were me, i would follow the same kind of plan that i made before.

I wish i could be of more help. i wish you both luck, and will be thinking of you, let me know how it all goes.

Best wishes :hugs:

Pauline x

24-09-09, 19:01
Hi there, thanks for ur comments, i think the fear is not being in control! that really freaks me out. I know i should trust the dr's there, as they are helping me. I phoned the hospital today and was told that i will get time to talk with the surgeon and the anesthetist. So i can talk over my worries with them.

Somehow i dont think i will sleep much tonight : (

24-09-09, 19:14

you probably wont sleep much, but try and get as much rest as you can, and the rest of the time try and keep your mind distracted with other things.
will be thinking about you, and will speak again when its all over.

Take care

p x:hugs:

24-09-09, 19:17
Hey you will be fine!!!:hugs:

I should imagine for a 30 min job the anesthetic will be light!!!

Honestly the staff will be very kind to you and it will be over before you know its happened.....try to remember its a big deal to you naturaly but to them its what they do day in, day out!!!

Same with sedation.....Ive had that too to have teeth out and I was fine!!!

Please dont worry:hugs:

Kaz x:hugs:

24-09-09, 19:45
Thanks guys, i know i will get the chance to talk over my concerns tomorrow, is it normal to feel this scared? i'm only gonna be out for 30 mins!!! i sound like i'm having major surgery! i'm trying to remain postive and calm, but horrible thoughts keep creeping in! i hate that part, i almost feel like i wanna cancel the appointment, but i have to keep going :)

24-09-09, 19:51
I think most people would feel scared, but we feel it on a much more magnified level, which makes it all feel unbearable, i think the horrible thoughts creeping in are pretty normal for us, you would be worried if you didnt feel that way and felt perfectly calm wouldnt you? :) ..lol

I know you want to cancel, but dont, you can do, and what an achievement afterwards....

cut yourself some slack, be kind to yourself... xx

24-09-09, 20:09
Yes i agree, I know a big part of me has to go through with it, just have to keep those thoughts under control. I will probably feel much better when i am at the hospital and can talk to people about it all.

Thank you for your kind words :)

25-09-09, 00:58
Yes, I can totally understand. Perhaps my own experience might make you feel better.

I used to suffer from severe hypochondria, and was terrified of any medical proceedure whatsoever. The I became very unwell with an ectopic pregnancy and needed emergency surgery and I was TERRIFIED!

While they were wheeling me down, I was crying my heart out thinking I would have some terrible reaction to the anasthetic and die on the table. I was literally shaking with fear.

But there was this really great male nurse who calmed me down so much. He explained that the days of dying of anaesthetic alone is virtually unheard of now - if someone dies on the table, it's because of other heath conditions. If you are unlucky enough to have a reaction to the anaesthetic, you'll be sick the next day, or feel unwell - but you won't die. Absolutely not.

Actually, the GA is quite a nice feeling. You'll simply drift off - and when you wake up you'll feel drowsy, but not unpleasantly so. It's that nice feeling you get when you are really, really tired and finally snuggle into bed at night.

So, try not to worry too much. I'd be quite willing to undergo another GA if necessary - and NO ONE panics more about medication and medical proceedures than me!

25-09-09, 10:24
thanks guys for your words of encouragement and reassurance - 10 days and counting! trying not to think about it at the moment so that i dont get stressed!

Will let you know how I get on