View Full Version : 20mg & I feel better(ish)!

24-09-09, 17:32
This is my first post having been an avid reader of this forum for the past few months, even on my darkest of days & I thank you all for your posts & comments - these really provided me with comfort & a knowing that I was not alone. I now hope that my ramblings will hopefully do the same to others 'out there'.

I've been taking Citalopram 20mg for about 8 weeks now & feel that I can finally see light at the end of a very long dark tunnel.

Prescribed for depression, I had no desire to mix or communicate with anyone, felt anxious, nervous & a general lack of confidence & unwell feeling all round. Everything was a massive effort

Tried other anti depressants before with little success but now at last starting to return to something like my old self.

The first few weeks were horrendous - no improvement in my general mood, a thundering headache all of the time, periods of the 'shakes' & very disturbed & restless sleep with emotions running high & tears for no apparant reason - not a very easy thing to admit for a middle aged man I can tell you!

After 8 weeks in, the headaches are still there sporoadically & the sleeping is still very poor but my general feeling can best be described definately as on the up.

The moral of the story from me is just hang in there, this drug won't suit everyone as people do suffer from varying degrees of this illness which makes prescribing difficult at best, but I hope that at least this gives some positive encouragement to just one person out there.

If there is any advice I can give please feel free to ask & fingers crossed for my own personal well being.

24-09-09, 20:18
Some hope! thanks for that uplifting thread stressed! i am on day 24 and things are still all over the place [i am also on 20mg of Cit]. went to my GP who prescribed me 30mg but i think i mite stick with the 20? if i could get to 8wks and feel like yourself then i want to persevere....thanks again x

25-09-09, 16:01
Hang on in there - there are no promises I know but for me anyway things seem to be on the up, wish I could sleep better tho!

I do still have 'off' days myself but these do appear to be getting less & less & when they do happen its seems not as severe as it once was - thats a crap description but I cant put it any other way!

Stay positive waterfall & my very best wishes.

26-09-09, 21:02
Thanks for the encouragement, Stressed - exactly what I needed to hear right now, after a rollercoaster of a week.

Even my GP has suggested that I come off the tablets, but I am determined to stick it out until it's obvious they're not going to work for me.

Thank you.:hugs:

Lion King
27-09-09, 20:56
Well done Stressed,

You are doing really, keep up the good work!