View Full Version : I feel odd KNOWING that I need to be medicated

25-09-09, 00:40
:wacko: I'm having a bit of a moment. After a disasterous attempt at citalopram which left me an anxious wreck I've been taking Trazodone all week. It's been great but today I've had to up my dose as the panic started to creep back. I feel odd that I need medication to feel normal. It has only just hit me I think, that I feel fine on these meds, no overwhelming dread, no fear of silly noises, nothing that can overwhelm me. But today as my body got used to it, the feelings crept back, took me totally off guard, and made me realise that I may be on these pills for the longhaul. I have 28 days worth which I htought was just my doctor being cautious but actually I think it may well be the first prescription of many. I know the old line about you wouldn't think twice about pain medication so these should be no different. They are pills that make me feel better. I am just wondering what is so wrong with my mind that I need pills to feel normal :huh:
I have been in denial about my anxiety for a long long time until it became absolutely unbearable and was takign over my life, so I should be grateful for this respite. But now I am anxious about the way I feel better :doh: I had expected to have to wait a long time for counselling and then to feel better. I am rambling now. Does anyone else feel the same? I guess it must be a common reaction when the pills work- the citalopram was a disaster and I had suspected more of the same from the trazodone. I'm goign to bed as I've just taken my dose (it's my birthday and I've been up til this time tidying so I can enjoy a nice clean house for one day a year :roflmao:) but I'll be interested in what anyone has to say :)

25-09-09, 11:31
Might be worth a look through the trazodone sub-forum further down to get more feedback on the drug itself, but it appears to be a completely different family of drugs to Citalopram, so it's quite feasible that it might work a whole lot better and not something to worry about. For what it's worth, I couldn't get on with Citalopram either, the dizziness was the worst thing and it just wouldn't give over, unlike the other side-effects. I'm discussing alternatives with my doctor next week, but if trazodone works for you, don't worry about it, just enjoy it!


25-09-09, 12:35
By a strange coincidence, I saw my psychiatrist this morning and he suggested I try Trazodone as an alternative to the Amitriptyline I am currently taking. He also said that I would have to be on medication long term in conjuction with psychological counselling which kind of scared me. I took Citalopram for five years and I never liked taking it. Also the withdrawal symptoms when I finally stopped taking it were horrific. Never again! I understand what you say about being medicated, but if the medication works why shouldn't you take it. Trazodone is an anti-depressant and it is meant to be taken for at least six months for you to get the full benefits.

25-09-09, 22:00
Many people do come off medication at some point - have hope! Even after years and years of various pills, I've heard of people who have become totally free of them. Circumstances change, personal insights may come..etc. Hang in there. There isn't anything "wrong" with you in the negative sense of the word - just that, at this moment in time, you feel better when taking this particular medication. It just is. If it works, whats to dislike? And someday, you may well be able to come off them.

25-09-09, 22:11

First of all Happy Birthday! :hugs: Many years ago when I was started on a course of antidepressants I was horrified at the thought. I couldn't believe that I had been given these "mind-altering" drugs!! Anyway, I took them and slowly but surely I felt so good again. I'll never forget them. I stayed on them for 6 months then came off them without any complications. Looking back I owe them a lot. I felt awful before I took them and they gave me my life back. What's a pill a day when it helps you? I believe that for certain reasons the seratonin in our bodies deplete and these medications return them to normal. Please just take your tablets and don't worry about it. You are not odd and it doesn't matter how long you need to take them. As long as they make you feel better. The mind gets ill and needs pills just as the rest of the body.
Take care