View Full Version : Tingling sensation in jaw, mouth, lips

25-09-09, 14:15
Hiya all, been having this on and off for a few weeks now and its driving me crazy, only way I describe it is as being like prickly heat in my jaw, mouth , neck e.t.c. Haven't been the DRs yet as I know it could be just another symptom of anxiety , just wondered how common this was in everyone? I'm always anxious about one thing or another even when I don't think it (if you know what I mean ) I'm not getting alot of sleep at the moment either and am tired all the time so wondering if this could be a cause too, working 2 jobs and looking after 3 young children is stressful in itself.

Thanks for taking your time to read this xxxxx

25-09-09, 14:34
Hi Pauline

I quite often get the tingling lips have done for years it is definately worse the more anxious i am

25-09-09, 14:36
Thank you very much, its annoying, just another anxiety to get use to I suppose !! xx

25-09-09, 14:37
Think its one of those that when something else appears you forget that one lol

25-09-09, 14:45
Yeah, think your probably right, this is one of the ones I don't like though so I hope another symptom will materilize soon hahaha x

25-09-09, 15:22
Of course you could be so stressed, understandably so, that you are grinding your teeth sub consciously (even in your sleep) and this is affecting the nerves in your jaw OR the stress could be causing tension in the 4th vertebrae in the neck which can also give problems to the jaw and teeth. Try gently massaging your neck or get someone to do it for! If in doubt, go to the docs - mine turned out to be tension in the vertebrae. Good luck