View Full Version : Its Back Once Again Or Is It ????

Desprate Dan
25-09-09, 15:30
Does anyone else on here suffer with (NIGHTMARES)..:scared15: ??

A Fluttery hot sensation in thier stomach and chest ??

Nausea and lack of Apetite ??

Trembling especially when eating for some strange reason.??

In March this year the doctor said i had anxiety and depression, he prescribed be 20mg Citralopram which at first made no diffrence infact i felt worse, but the doc said stick with them, and after at least a month or so i started to feel better, still felt down but the physical symptoms had eased a lot..

But just lately even though i am still taking my Citalopram, iv'e started to feel strange again all of the above symptoms, plus keep needing to go to the loo to pass water, trembling, feeling like my legs are hollow and weak, also been haveing terrible nightmares and waking in a panic normally about 2am, then i am wide awake no chance of sleeping, just lay thinking until 5am comes and the alarm goes off for work..

I was going to make an appointment to see my GP, but i have one in 2 weeks time, and i am frightened he will think its just your anxiety playing up it will pass.....But i am not so sure, or should i sit and fight it until my next appointment? I feel like a burden.

Why are these symptoms back now i am on my Citalopram??

I am so confused, i dont really know what Anxiety is does it effect people in diffrent ways and how can you tell what is Anxiety and whats not???

I really am confused and very tired but i just cant switch off or relax i am on edge like a cave man in his cave can't sleep unless a sabre tooth tiger might just come in...

Please tell me i am not insane, and that my symptoms are normal for someone suffering with Anxiety.

Dont have a clue what triggers it, but thinking about it seem's to make the feelings worse...

Just the other week i felt on top of the world, now i feel i am in a deep dark hole...:weep: :weep:

I need help :wacko:

Desprate Dan..

25-09-09, 17:07
You are not insane. Strange dreams can be experienced when taking drugs with no psychiatric effect. I got nightmares when I was physically ill as a child, perhaps you also have a bug you are not conscious of.

25-09-09, 17:11
you are not isane i had all your symtoms and more dont worry are you on meds:hugs:

25-09-09, 17:17
I feel the same but i dont have nightmares i just get all the other symptoms! i had it today actually. If you find out what it is let me know lol