View Full Version : My girlfriend - missed period and tiredness?

25-09-09, 17:12
Hi everyone, I was wondering if the ladies of NMP might help? My girlfriend is well overdue for her period. We went to buy a pregnancy testing kit and it came back negative. In fact she told me she has taken several tests over the last couple of weeks, all negative, as she is quite overdue.

She's also been feeling extremely tired lately. This might be cos we stay up so late and tend to get up to a lot of stuff during the day. There's also a flu virus going round. Her dad is quite ill with it. I've just got over a cold myself.

She's seeing the doctor on Monday. I am quite worried about her (my anxiety has come back a little bit about this). Is it normal for a period to be a couple of weeks overdue? Can a girl miss a period altogether?

Thanks in advance x

25-09-09, 17:33

I wouldent worry too much!!!

I dont know how old your girlfreind is but women of all ages suffer with periods messing them around!!!

Not eating enough, stress, hormones all sorts can cause it and yes women can just miss a period for no reason!!

Healthwise I dont think you need worry and if tests are negative then its unlikely she is pregnant, but its a good idea to see doc cos all I can offer is my own experience Im not a doctor or anything medical at all

Please try not to worry tho:hugs:

Kaz x:hugs:

25-09-09, 18:58
If you go out when its cloudy ,its always good to wear a raincoat or you will enevitably get caught in the rain ....Definately better than causing yourself unnecssary anxiety Poet lol ! Sue x

26-09-09, 11:33
I'm not worrying about pregnancy, I'm worried about her being in pain :( I'm wondering if it is kidney stones, but that still wouldn't explain why she is so long overdue for a period... I think she has now officially missed one and her second is not showing any signs of turning up. She had described this pain as being almost period-like.

26-09-09, 11:41
If your girlfriend is experiencing pain plus 2 missed periods, i'd suggest she sees a doctor sooner rather than later.

Is the pain all in the lower abdomen or off to one side?

26-09-09, 12:00
I wouldnt worry too much women can miss periods for all sorts ofreason one could stress and not sleeping enough (and u say u stay up late and work hard all day)it happened to me when years back i joined to be a rep in a beach resort ...the week of training the women were told that they were likely to put weight on and maybe miss their periods and not to worry because this was caused by the long working hours ..well in 6 months i put on 5 kg and only had my period twice two days each time !!! Dont let this make you anxious i am sure the Gp will confirm your girlfriend is fine
take care

26-09-09, 15:15
Women miss periods for all sorts of reasons, and i should know, i have plenty of experience of that. :wacko:, but i agree with suebbb, if she has missed 2 periods and is having abdominal or pelvic pain, she should see a doctor sooner rather than later.
hope she feels better soon

P x

26-09-09, 16:26
please know that over the counter tests can be wrong. They are designed to pick up preg. hormones only at certain levels. I would think after 2 months, her levels would be high enough to show up...but I have heard of women who get neg. results and end up preg. the only way to know for sure is a blood test. Also, like everyone else said...many things can cause a late period. She really should go see the Dr. at this point.

26-09-09, 17:47
Thanks to everyone who replied - I am taking her on monday morning - she refuses to go to the A&E, and in fairness she has brightened up a lot since I gave her some nookie lol. I did a lot of research and eventually I realised that she MAY be experiencing side effects to the morning after pill, which she had had to take a few times -- I shall simply say that the country's obsession with size zero also applies to raincoats, and some of us will always be size eighteens if you get my drift.

Not only does the MAP cause nausea, tiredness and abdominal pains, they delay the onset of periods or generally muck about with the whole thing. The effect is cumulative: the more morning after pills you take in one month, the worse all these side effects become.

Looks like it's the bin bag tonight, darling ;)

28-09-09, 03:45
FYI if she took the morning after pill her cycle will definitely not be right for a few months. from experience this seems almost definitely the cause, I sure have been grateful for it a time or two but it makes you feel like crap and your cycle is off for a few months after.

28-09-09, 05:41
Hey there.
Occasionally over the counter pregnancy tests may not be effective in picking up pregnancy if it is low in HCG levels. Meaning, pregnancies such as this usually result in miscarriage and appear as a 'late period'
This scenario is very common and a blood test will show if this is the case. Nothing to worry about. Although did you say she was experiencing pain? I would assume the doctor will investigate further if the results do infact show a level of the pregnancy hormone. She has only missed the one period?

28-09-09, 18:04
Point taken about the raincoat lol ...Hope your girlfriend is ok ? How did you get on at the Drs ? Thinking of you both .Hugs Sue :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: