View Full Version : Palpitations and pulse

25-09-09, 17:53

Does anyone else ever get really big palpiations? I feel them really bad in my neck and they freak me out! I havent had any for ages and stupidly I thought that they might have gone for good, then I was just watching some tv and I felt a massive one in my throat. Im really anxious now as I have been really feeling my pulse through my arms and hands all day and I think something is wrong. I hate this so much. I dont want to be like this anymore but I dont know how not to be.

If anyone has had anything similar please reply.


26-09-09, 04:14
Yes - this happens to me all the time. The throaty flutter is very indicative of ectopic beats which are extremely common and totally benign - and it's almost certainly anxiety that's causing you to be aware of a pulse in your arm.

Do a search on here for "palpitations" and "ectopic beats" and see how many people (LOADS) have exactly the same thing happen. I guarantee you'll feel instantly better :)

26-09-09, 10:15

Palpatations have always been a part of my anxiety, and its always been the one that has bothered me the most, and it is exactly as you described, that fluttery feeling in your throat. i can get them even at times when i dont think i am particulary anxious, i am am particulary sensitive to caffeine, and if i have too much in a day, the difference is quite dramatic, and can have fluttery feelings off and on all day. It took a long time for me to accept that they were harmless because they were so distressing, but after tests etc, a few years past before i could accept that anxiety was too blame and that there was nothing wrong with my heart. When i started to relax a bit about them , them came less frequently. i still get them now, more at times of stress, but i still need to work on the positve thoughts, that they are not harmful.
Hope you find this helpful

Best wishes

P x