View Full Version : Has Anyone Experienced This?

25-09-09, 18:13
I've been having upper arm pain on the right side all summer and it seems to be getting worse. My doctor sent me to physiotherapy but it didn't help. Now my doctor is sending me to an orthopedic guy to see what it is. The x-ray showed nothing. I have a deep seated fear of cancer ... specifically lung cancer and I've connected the arm pain to having lung cancer. I have a chest x-ray lined up for October 14th which seems like a million years away. The appointment with the orthopedic guy probably won't be for at least 6 months. I'll seriously have myself nuts by then. My nerves are getting so bad that I can't sleep and I can concentrate.

Does anyone else find that their health anxiety seems to take over their life? I'm afraid that if I let my guard down and stop worrying about it then my worst fears will be realized. How do you get rid of this overwhelming fear. In reality I could have lung cancer. I used to smoke for a very long time (have quit) and now I'm scared that I'm on my way out.

25-09-09, 18:47
Do you have a constant cough ? With blood in your sputum ? Your Dr can listen to your lungs by using his stethescope .it will sound bad if its cancer ...I get pain in my arm regularly ,its down to trapped nerves, They will settle eventually .Try to correct your posture ,its usually the cause .That and a slight wear on the cervical discs in the top of the spine ..Nothing came up on my e-xray either , Please dont worry about it .Sue x