View Full Version : Why am I so ill all the time?

25-09-09, 22:10
I feel like I'm constantly poorly, I have had about 3 cold viruses so far this year and my glands have been up and down so often, I'm sure they're dizzy!

My ears hurt from my glands and I'm so fed up with being poorly.

How can I boost my immune system - I already eat fruit & veg and take a multivitamin every day. Is there something else I can take?

My HA is whispering that maybe I have an underlying illness that is making me get these colds/swollen glands so often. Desperately trying to ignore them though

25-09-09, 22:19

Yes, I think sometimes we seem to be prone to taking one complaint after another. As it's cold viruses why don't you try echinacea from the health shop. This is supposed to be good at fighting off viruses, especially the cold. Also thought I think there's nothing to beat going for a walk in the fresh air, eating well and getting enough rest. I don't think you pick up as many viruses if you live well. I hope you feel better soon. It does get you down when you constantly feel unwell.

25-09-09, 22:31
have u tried regular exercise? Seems to make me feel better.

Only thing i know to help is eating well, resting well, exercise and generally having fun / less stress and anxiety