View Full Version : Anxiety triggers

25-09-09, 22:36
Just out of curiosity,how many people here are made anxious merely by the mention of a potentially anxiety-inducing event?My wife and mother-in-law were talking today about the mum-in-law moving house (this event is within the next few weeks),and just them discussing it made my chest tighten with heightened anxiety and start the 'what-iffing?' thoughts.I've also got my grandaughters Christening on Oct 4th and my sons wedding on Nov 28th.PLUS I'm going through an anti-dep change.Would these events make anyone else here anxious?Probably a silly question :unsure:


25-09-09, 23:01
Oh yes! Perfect timing lol i was going to ask about anxiety triggers!

Ok so my anxiety is focussing almost entirely on my relationship. Today i went to see "Surrogate" at the cinema (bruce willis in!) and theres a point where hes using his real body and his surrogate wife looks at him, at that point my stomach tightened and i thought "oh god, what if in 20 years he thinks im ugly? what if i think hes ugly? how do i feel abotu how he looks now?!" luckily because it was a film ive not seen, i was more concentraited on what was happening in that than my thougths! Hurrah for me ive managed to push down the anxiety over something.

Other triggers are just someone mentioning my boyfriend to me. Its horrible to say but every time someone says "hows nick" "didnt you go there with nick?" my stomach tightenes and i get all anxious about him again.

Sometimes its completely random! Like earlier i was playing with some ribbon or somethign and anxiety started coming up, and i had no idea what i was worried about but i just had to put the ribbon down. Now everytime i think of picking it up my stomach twinges.

I think we all get anxious over different things so prehaps, what triggers you for your problem might not be the same trigger for me if i was in your position.

27-09-09, 11:40
Those events would make me anxious.
I am good at asking "what if" as well. I find sometimes are worse than others. I guess you just face up and take it slowly. I find that usually once Im there it is easier.

27-09-09, 11:46
I was watching the fox and the hound earlier and god anxious although i wasnt sure what about i just got all nervious and restless and felt sick lol how random

malcolm furneaux
27-09-09, 16:28
I've started using a rubber band on one of my hands [ova 3 fingers!) when a 'what if' pops up which is completely anxiety provoking & of no benefit for me to think on I flick the band to remind me to stop thinking. Have moderate success with this - find fairly effective if anxiety not too bad. Am worse in the mornings usually

Malcolm Furneaux

27-09-09, 17:23
Yes my anxiety is usually worse in the mornings too....probably because its the start of a new day and one to 'get through'?Another bad time for me is right at this moment (Sunday tea-time).I can see another week coming up and it leaves me vulnerable to not just anxiety but depression too.However this might be particularly relevant right now cos I'm going through an anti-dep change.


28-09-09, 20:26
Does or has anyone experienced symptoms delayed from the stressful or anxious event? The reason I ask is that flying for me is a huge trigger and as nerve racking as a recent trip was, I thought I made it through and back fairly well. Then about a week later I started to get physical symptoms (upset stomach, IBS) that flared up my health anxiety again. Can the symptoms be delayed from the event?
