View Full Version : feeling alone with Anxiety

25-09-09, 22:54
Hi, dos any one else feel alone with this?
I look out of my window and see every one busy getting on with life and I'm stuck here afraid of most things, my anxiety is so scary and i have a real fear of choking.
I don't know any one who has anxiety(all happy smiling people) and i wouldn't wish it on anyone, but I'm glad to have found Nomorepanic it has already helped reading other people stories.
Iv had anxiety and panic attacks for along time but seems to have become worse since my youngest left home.
I think being by myself is making it harder but my anxiety makes me want to be alone.
My sister rang today said shes coming to see me on Sunday and I'm panicking
how do i act normal when i don't feel it, best wishes to all, carol

26-09-09, 02:59
Hi Carol
You're so right anxiety makes you feel all alone- it is hard when you look at the outside world and see people laughing and socialising -just awful lonely !
You're not alone sweetie- you have all of us here at NMP -we're all going through these things with you. I think you'd be surprised how many of those laughing socialisers actually have anxiety !
Sometimes family brings out my extreme anxiety but don't be hard on yourself it is very common to have anxiety around family visits. Look at the all the movies that have been made about stressful family situations-usually comedies.
Anyway I just wanted to welcome you to NMP and give you a hug because you're not alone .

26-09-09, 03:38
Hello. I live on a hill and I look down on the houses below and wonder how all those people can be going around leading happy lives when I can't. The truth is - they don't. We all wear different masks for different situations, behave differently with different people. Ever had someone snap at you for something you didn't feel you deserved? It was probably totally unrelated to you - just an outlet for pressure they were under in another area.

What is normal? Normal is how you feel. Go with your feelings and discover who you are and what you want - don't try to be what you think others are or expect you to be.

I've found it hard since my daughter left home. I don't have a role and don't know who I am anymore. After years of playing kids games and listening to pop music, I don't even know what I like! My sister announced out of the blue that she was coming to visit and I panicked. It was putting so much pressure on me that I rang and asked her to meet me for lunch elsewhere. I met her on my terms and it went well.

26-09-09, 03:57
I know just what you mean. It seems so unfair that the rest of the world seem to be able to take everything in their stride and the isolation can feel overwhelming.

But you are most certainly not alone :)

26-09-09, 12:34
Thankyou so much for replying Bluebell.. Maddie.. and Nutty Tart i really dont feel alone now xx