View Full Version : muscle strain or heart attack?

25-09-09, 23:18
Hey there,
I´m freaking out again: I´ve got a cold and I started having weird chest pains this morning. They´re not constant, it just kind of stings and goes for minutes or even hours and then it´s back. It´s on the left side, so I´m freaking out. It happened after I was playing my accorden - think it might be just a muscle strain? If it was something serious, it would progress into something already within those almost 12 hours I´ve had the pains, right? I´m 25, normal weight, non-smoker...so I shouldn´t be too concerned, should I? Any words of reassurance are welcome...

26-09-09, 02:23
I, too, have had worries like that in the past. I have found that it is all MUSCLE. An older woman who had suffered a heart attack told me heart attack pain is more in the center of the chest and not on the left side like people think. (my pain was in the middle of my breast) There are so many muscles in our upper body/chest area, that we are bound to strain them every once and a while. Also, (and I know this is easier said than done) try to relax! The more tense we are, the more our muscles don't get enough blood flow to heal. So take a nice hot bath and do something fun. :)

26-09-09, 04:02
It certainly doesn't seem like anything serious - honestly. If you read any accounts (which I wouldn't advise, actually) from people who have had heart attacks "stinging" is not a word they use.

Also, you should feel reassured by your lack of other symptoms. Heart attacks are not subtle, and you would be extremely unwell.

What's probably happened is a normal muscle strain, which is being made worse by tension. The moment we feel worried, all our muscles bunch up, and that can hurt.

Try not to worry - and be aware that if you took this to a doctor, a heart attack is the last thing they'd consider. You really aren't displaying any symptoms of one.

But I know how you feel, hon - I've been there many times :) xx

27-09-09, 22:29
Thank you so much - I went to bed and the ache passed on its own. It was really just a bit too much accordeon playing that does affect the chest muscles. On the other hand: it really works wonders - my breasts look terrific :-D Thank you so much again - I hate myself when I just get some mild symptom and create a whole new horror scenario out of it. I wish I could help it somehow...:-(

27-09-09, 22:43
Hi there

I had a heart attack a year ago today and the pain was in the middle of the chest and down my right arm.

Yours sounds like a muscle strain or just tension. You will be fine.

08-09-13, 02:21
You never know- my brother just died from a silent heart attack at 28. His only symptoms was that he felt his heart racing the last week, no pain even. Heart problems show up differently for everyone. I know this, post was 4 years ago, but for anyone in the future, please, go see a doctor just to be sure. Because you never know and you don't get a second chance.