View Full Version : Petrified by MS

26-09-09, 08:11
Hello, my name is Alex and for the last fewmonths i have been seriously worried. It started in July when playing cricket my heart started behaving very strangely, fluttering and beating ridiculously fast. Obvously i went to my GP and he booked me into Papworth hospital to have a full Echo, Stress Test and ECG. I should say tht the appointment there was only recently done, in August. You know how the NHS is! In between then i was really worried about it and was experiencing alot of palptations. But i talked myself round, because my GP was telling me there was nothing wrong with my heart.(He had done an ECG on me as well)

But since then i have been completley preoccupied with having MS, writing it down here it seems like a wierd link to make but my gran is currently in hospital with cancer and a friend at the cricket club has MS. What kicked this obsession were the twitches which started about 1 month ago. lttle ones all over my body, not big jerks. Obviously i googled them and up came MS, so that set me off. My worry about MS is still there now though, as i have been having other symptoms alongside the twitches. My left arm will seem shaky an stiff (maybe weak?) not all the time during the day, but it has been happening most days for the past week or so. I have also just had tingling in my feet and hands when i woke ths morning. I am totally freaking out! I went to the doctor about the twitches last week and he put it down to anxiety, but these other symptoms have startedup since then. I am now in spain on my year abroad as part of my degree, so access to my GP s difficult, and I just feel scared the whole time that i might be dying a long and painful death. Any advice would be really great, and im sorry for the long drawn out post!


26-09-09, 08:19
Hi hun, i just wanted to say your symptoms are identcal to mine i dont have ms i have anxiety big time at the mo. Here are my symptoms also search on my profile and look at all the questions i have asked on here you will get a lot of reassurance. LOads of people on here twitch its nothing but anxiety and you focusing on it, whilst you fear your symptoms they will not go away believe they are anxiety and they will


- twitching for 4 mnths
- burning tongue
- percieved arm weakness
- little jerks
- constant 'buzzing/ tingling' in feet & legs ( like someone is holding a phone to my foot)
- dizzyness

i could go on for ages lol


26-09-09, 08:51
hi alex you are not alone in your worries, there are lots of people who suffer twitches and fear ms, i am one of them and my BIGGEST fear is ms. I dont really no why it just is. I have lots of symptoms also and i really cant get my head around them at the moment. Have you spoken to your doc about your fears perhaps he can put your mind at rest. Anxiety can cause all sorts of sensations that can actually mimic ms.

26-09-09, 09:47
i'm the same, twitching for nearly 3 weeks, had a better doctor reassure me it's not ms, and the twitching subsided some what, it's still there but not as bad, percieved muscle weakness, light tremors in hands, weight loss, odd pains around my body from time to time, bad tummy, the list goes on and on lol.

Your not alone but if your still worried go see your gp when u can.

26-09-09, 10:20
Hi Alex, you have anxiety symptoms common to loads of people. If you can arrange to see a neurologist for reassurance, I'm sure he/she will be able to tell you in very short time, possibly via an mri, that you don't have it. I have stopped myself googling symptoms now as you almost always get the wrong answer. You will never get good news from Dr Google as he will always match your symptoms to an illness, often something serious. I've yet to hear of anyone who googled their symptoms only to be told there's nothing wrong with them!

I think it's more likely that the plight of your friend has been playing on your mind for some time and has produced a sympathetic nervous reaction in you. If you want to look at in a more 'selfish' way, (and don't feel guilty about this) the chances of two young fit people at the same cricket club developing MS must be pretty remote. Try not to worry, but see someone to put your mind at rest if you feel you need to.

agent orange
26-09-09, 15:11
twitching all over the body is not a sign of m.s, but is a sign of anxiety/tiredness, and i know because I have twitched on and off for years, but then I have anxiety.

29-09-09, 07:23
Thanks guys that has made me feel somewhat better. I've also been having those eye flashes tht so many people on here seem to be talking about, on and off, not all the time. Also, sleeping has become a problem, during the day if i try to go to sleep i will seem to jolt awake and my body won't let me! I too get dizziness sometimes as well. Can you get all these symptoms just from Anxiety? They;re not all the time, but seem to hop from one to the other during the day, but i dont get all of them every day. . . . still very worried i spose! Any help? My doctor offered me beta blockers when i went to see him, and i turned them down but maybe now im thinking i should try them? Thanks again


29-09-09, 09:05
Please have a look at my post http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=61620
it really is possible to have all those symptoms and more. I haven't experienced eye flashes yet, but do have a "funny" eye that feels very strange and I am always aware of it. I know what your going through as I am currently struggling with the same fear. As for the beta blockers, thats a personal choice. Personally I know I would try anything to stop feeling this way. Try to think positive, if thats asking too much, try and ignore it all!!