View Full Version : racing heart :O(

26-09-09, 10:32
:weep: Can anyone comfort me? my hear beat is fast like 111 beats per minuite, ims o anxious about it and i know the more i think about it the more it happens. im so terrified im going to die :weep:

I spoke to the head doctor yesterday at my local surgery as i was scared and he said i was fine, and nothing will happen and to try and forget about it, he said when he goes for a little walk his goes up to 160 and its nothing to worry about.

Im scared as ive not had any tests done, but my gp has been out so many times to check my heart etc and said it was fine. :weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep:

ETA- i have Agraphobia and panic and anxiety dissorder.

Why cant i just forget about it grrrr

Any comfort welcome, is anyones hart rate fast?

Katy :bighug1:

claire m
26-09-09, 10:50
i have a fast heart rate and have had it checked many times the doctor said the heart is a very strong muscle and can beat quite rapidly with ease. when you are anxious you tend to breathe quite irregular which makes you take in alot more oxygen and this makes your heart beat fast try breathing into a paper bag it put carbon dioxide back into the blood so it all kinds of evens up abit and your heart rate will go slow down a little. xx.

26-09-09, 11:59
Thanks claire hun for your kind words, it does make you feal kinda better knowing others have this to, if you know what i mean lol. My doctor has told me my heart is very strong and il be fine, im 27 i dont drink and i quit smoking 5 years ago, i never have taken drugs, but i am a bit over weight well 15 stone, but im working on that.

thank you hun xx

26-09-09, 12:09
Hello Kathy ,
when I used to Have councelling session i used to say to my doctor that my heart will go up the roof and i would worry i would have heart attack ...she said to me to remember that after all the heart a muscle and it is not bad to exercise it sometimes ...she also said that people with anxiety have a healthy heart because if this ...also everyone has their heart changing beat for all sorts of reason running ....excitement etc etc but they dont read into it too much like we do
take care

26-09-09, 12:10
Hello Kathy ,
when I used to Have councelling session i used to say to my doctor that my heart will go up the roof and i would worry i would have heart attack ...she said to me to remember that after all the heart a muscle and it is not bad to exercise it sometimes ...she also said that people with anxiety have a healthy heart because if this ...also everyone has their heart changing beat for all sorts of reason running ....excitement etc etc but they dont read into it too much like we do-:)
take care

26-09-09, 13:03
hi cupcakes sorry your feeling so scared. i have this too for many years i think it comes hand in hand with anxiety.
Iv had all the test even the 24 hour tape which showed my heart rate at rest goes as high as 125 but my heart is fine.
I'm reassured till it happens again then my anxiety goes sky high.
Have you tried decaff tea and coffee that seems to have helped me.
Hope you feel better soon x

26-09-09, 14:29
hey cupcakes! :)

I myself suffered from anxiety and panic attacks almost identical to yours.
Id suggest seeing the doctor and asking for blood tests.

The symptoms you are describing are most likely anxiety related. Though saying this doesn't make them feel any less real.

Do me a favour though.. don't google your symptoms. I did this and it came up with everything from underlying heart condition, to brain tumour, to strokes... and it was none of em. All that will do is make it worse.

Go to the doc and ask for blood tests for Thyroid. He/she will most likely add a couple more for good measure. Hyper or Hypo Thyroid is very common and very treatable and it can generate anxiety. If you find you have a problem then you know what it is and then it can be treated and dealt with.. so ur anxiety will go. If they find nothing then you know its just anxiety itself and u have nothing physically wrong with you! Either way this should deal a pretty big blow to the anxiety monster! :D

Regarding your heart rate and panic.. it sounds like your physical symptoms are terrifying you and sending your head into a spin. Ask ur doc if they could possibly prescribe you with Propranolol (Slow release is best) and give it a try. This basically treats physical symptoms of anxiety. It regulates blood circulation and heart rate. So you wont have ridiculous rates of 160.

This in turn will give you the mental capacity to be able to deal with the rest of the symptoms..

Its like ive always said.. if u get physical anxiety its like a turbo boost for the mental side and can lead to a full blown panic attack... if u can suppress the physical symptoms the mental ones are A LOT more manageable.

Like it says on this site Agoraphobia is like it says a PHOBIA and something that can be conquered by facing it... you've seen people that are scared of heights go up to the top of tall buildings.. They get terrified. then after a while.. when their mind has eventually realised that nothing is going to hurt them or happen to them they let go of the phobia...

I had agoraphobia.. infact i still do to some degree but now I can manage it.. so if im out with friends and i feel myself getting anxious i embrace it.. i let the symptoms wash over me but im always thinking that once they've gone in a few minutes i'll be stronger for it.

Also don't let your fear of having a panic or anxiety attack give you anticipatory anxiety. (when you dont want to go out to events or dread having to make an effort to go somewhere with people for fear of having an attack).

What you need to understand is you are a very intelligent and creative person and its because of this that your mind is always overacting and thinking up scenarios. Many very talented people have suffered from various forms of anxiety. It just means you're hypersensitive to your situation, surroundings etc.

If you found this helpful at all and would like to talk further then message me. :) Its always good to talk to fellow sufferers instead of others that tell you to "sort yourself out." or "get your act together".

:) Tony