View Full Version : Floaters And Tension Headache?

26-09-09, 12:13
Hey all, I have been suffering with tension headache for about a month now. This past monday the pain got so bad i had to go to a and e. After a discussion with the doctor i felt reassured and the pain went down alot.

I still suffer with a constant but not that pad pressure on both sides of my head. When i get worried the pain will go up.

Anyway, since my panic attack 2 months ago. I noticed a lot more floaters and visual disturbances. This along with head pressure prompted me to book an optician appointment and i went 3 weeks ago. Got my eye pressure checked and pictures taken of the inside of my eye and the optician check my visions and looked into my eye.

She said my eye was fine and i had 20/20 vision and the floaters was anxiety. Maybe im notcing them more.

I accepted that and have just tried to ignore them but yesturday i went outside ( i dont go out much) and i looked up at the sky ( i was feeling better and didnt feel anxious) to see if my floaters were as bad. They do seem as bad if not worse.

I have one at the bottom of my left eye that follows where ever i move me eye. I doesnt float it just seems to be stuck there.

The only other thing that annoyed me was like alot of movent further out of my vision (hard to explain) I really ficused hard on it and i saw what can only be described as a whole bunch of dancing lights . YOu know how if you are out just before dark and you get all these midgies or flies flying above your head? they were moving like that.

It did not freak me out but just has played on my mind. It sucks i cant even look at the sky as much . even bright things.

My question is - would a really long tension headache cause more floaters to appear? or make me more aware of them?

And will the floaters go away or subside?

thanks guys

26-09-09, 14:47
Hi Qix, I have had these floater things for years off and on. I have also had anxiety long term so I would say they are more related to that, I know from other symptoms that when I focus on them and give them my full awareness they are amplified and I think that's why you are aware of them. When I was less anxious, I was able to ignore symptoms, try push them aside and tell yourself dont give them too much recognition. You were reassured by doc and headache went away, classic sign of health anxiety. Hope I can reassure you by telling you that I have had these things for years and they haven't done me any harm. Take care.

26-09-09, 17:49
Yes me too...I suffer with anxiety and when this happens i notice the floaters more, they got so bad a couple of weeks ago i had to make an eye appt...everything is fine with my eyes and she said that floaters are perfectly normal...in bright rooms they are always worse too..try not to worry...

26-09-09, 20:16
I am the same - in my late 30s and have noticed floaters mainly in my left eye since my early 20s. They have come and gone over the years and there seems to be no rhyme or reason to them. When I focus on them, they seem to get worse. So I chalk them up to HA.