View Full Version : Terrified of pregnancy complication

26-09-09, 14:03
I am pregnant and I did post a thread about my worry before, due to my fears I saw the consultant yesterday and she did nothing to try and reassure me - infact she made it worse.

She siad they would be unlikely to tell if I had the problem until I gave birth (which is not totally true) and they might be able to give a better idea whether I am at risk of it when I have my 20 week scan but probably not so of course I consider myself at risk now and until my 20 week scan in 5 weeks.

I am terrified can't stop crying. Frightened I am going to leave my little girl without her MUm - basically a wreck.

They have put me back on citalopram 20mg.

What I was wondering is do you think if you actually got diagnosed with something nasty - whatever it maybe - you actually would cope with it better than when you are anxious about what ifs and non definates?

26-09-09, 20:54
When I was pregnant 2 years ago I had the same fears. I feared everything especially the birth. I ended up having no issued during pregnancy and then went on to have a 36 hour labour with him being born face up (ouch) and 9 pounds ( double ouch ). The funny thing was, when I was in labour I wasnt scared one bit. Dont be scared. Your body knows what to do. Adelle.:D