View Full Version : Sort of Chest Problam - reassurance?

26-09-09, 14:37
I've been using this site for just about a year & have found it really great. With the help of you people & some books you've recommended I thought I'd finally got shot of the horrible HA.
Some hope!
Over the last few days I'd had a very odd feeling when eating. The food gets to a point about the bottom & slightly to the left of my breastbone and seems to be going over a lump or something which almost but not quite hurts - if you see what I mean. I've looked up the symptoms & it does sound a bit like that globus hystericus thing we anxious people seem to often get and but its not in my throat. Do you think it could be the same thing?
I've had quite a lot of stress in my life in the last few weeks relationship-wise so I hope it might be that! I'm trying not to take too much notice of it as I know from experience that if I'm focussing on the feeling it'll just get worse/carry on but I'm feeling very down at the moment and would appreciate hearing from anyone who's felt the same thing.:wacko: