View Full Version : Weird Night

26-09-09, 18:19
Hey all, last night I had a sort of weird night. I didn't get to sleep too easily, kept waking up with weird feelings as I was trying to doze off. At one point I woke up and for some reason had this thought in my mind that I had died for a moment (don't know why I thought that - I had only fallen asleep and woken up :blush:). Anyway, I eventually got to sleep and was fine, but it was just one of those weird nights. And sometimes it leaves me worrying subconsciously throughout the day that there's something wrong, which can lead to another rough night. Anyone else get nights like these where you just get weird feelings and such? The strange thing is, most of these things happen at night for me, rather than during the daytime. I'll be fine once I wake up and all, but at nighttime stuff just goes haywire sometimes, it seems like.

Thanks in advance for the responses!