View Full Version : Anxious over every little change?

26-09-09, 18:37
Ive been fine today, but my boyfriend just told me he has applied for a weekend job in london and he said he would want to ask if he could stay at mine for the weekend as i live about an hour closer to london than he does.

My first reaction was "yay seeing him more" then straight after i got the anxious stomach feelings. Luckily ive not got bad thoughts zooming around but im worried why i feel this way. Its not like its much different to now, i see him every other weekend, and if this did happen i would see him like morning and evenings so its not like we'd be over loaded.

eugh i dont know i really dont like this before i would have jumped at the chance, maybe this is just normal worry about will we be strong enough to handle every weekend when before i wanted to move him completely :(

Im getting sick of having anxiety over everything with him, i dont want it, i want to be like everyone else and not think about everything. He said (after i told him) that i shouldnt think about it now anyway as he has only applied hes not even got an interview.

I think i feel like if he had to rely on me to provide him somewhere to live at the weekend to enable him to get to and from work id feel very under pressure to keep the relationship strong. If we broke up he wouldnt have anywhere to stay!

Noooo :( ruined my good day!