View Full Version : A reassurance, calm me down

26-09-09, 19:29
So here is the deal, what i really wonder is a thing that i have experienced some time before but now its bakc and it really scares me right now.

My left foot seems numb and has done that for a couple of days. The lower part, calf feels a bit numb too and i feel a bit weak in my left leg.
I have gone through hell with my bad thiughts about ms and als, i finally let them go a while ago but i cant help felling back to those horrible thoughts and now i feel really scared.

I have seen neurologists twice and they say its nothing to worry about, just anxiety. I have been doing all the tests that is necessary including mri, lumbal punction, emg, eng and some other tests.

The foot has felt like this for some days now and i am scared and i scare myself even more with the thoughts of those deceases.

Has anyone here had foot numbness and felt weak in one foot for some days, not only for a few hours.

Please let me get some answears here, i am really on the edge now.



27-09-09, 08:30
Almost 30 views and no answear, am i alone with this. I am getting crazy about this.

27-09-09, 10:49
I feel for you, but i have no answer. Remember numbness can come from poor circulation. See if you lean on the side that goes numb more often, if your cold or if your not moving that side enough to keep the blood flowing.

27-09-09, 15:12
Thank you for answearing Joellie.

It seems like nobody else has this and my stress over this makes things even harder.

27-09-09, 16:40
can u move your foot at all when it's numb? Wiggle your toes etc or is it completely numb?

From what the doc told me is that u'd be twitching none stop if it was ms and it would be extremely difficult to lift your foot off the floor, or unable to.

If you have seen 2 neurologists i don't think they can be both wrong do you?

Maybe you have a trapped nerve or like someone said, poor circulation?

27-09-09, 17:36

I've not had just a numb foot but I DO get numbness in my left arm or hand and also my face. It feels as though the circulation has been cut off when it happens. I've been told it's due to stress/anxiety and now I'm starting to accept that. Actually, I proved it to myself when I had some awful news some months ago and my arm immediately went completely numb!!

I know how worrying it must be for you - I've been there, honestly! It's always best to check out numbness with your doctor, which you've done. If they say it's okay, then I think you're okay!

Wendy :)

27-09-09, 21:06
can u move your foot at all when it's numb? Wiggle your toes etc or is it completely numb?

From what the doc told me is that u'd be twitching none stop if it was ms and it would be extremely difficult to lift your foot off the floor, or unable to.

If you have seen 2 neurologists i don't think they can be both wrong do you?

Maybe you have a trapped nerve or like someone said, poor circulation?

Hi and thanks for your response!!
I have no problem wiggle my toes and i lift my foot without any problems.
It just feels strange, it might be bad cirkulation due to the cramps i have in my leg.:scared15:

27-09-09, 21:36
i've developed a similar symptom of tightness / soft pins and needles is the only way i can describe it, i'm gonna put it down to tension but i'll probably mention it to the doc when i see him.

28-09-09, 06:13
My little toe on my left foot goes numb alot and its like it isnt there. I also get the numbness in the shoulders and arms and face. I havent had the face numbness for a while now though. It always goes away but at first it did worry me. Come to think of it my little toe hasnt been numb for ages either or it could be that it hasnt worried me of late.

28-09-09, 12:07
The thing is that i had similar probelms last winter, and they disapeared after a while but now they have showed up again.
I have alot of other anxiety symptoms like heart races, tight chest, dizzy and other weird stuff.
I guess this can be anxiety too.

In some ways i think that 2 neurologs and 3 visits there during one year cant miss bad deceases like that, especially since i have done all tests.
But i cant help being scared.

I saw my neurolog today and he said that we dont need to do more tests, i should calm down.
Sadly, i have a hard time relax anyway.

I should believe him i guess:(

28-09-09, 13:20
My wife has MS and none of your symptoms are anything like what she had when she was diagnosed. Hers were almost entirely confined to her right arm, it wasn't numbness or pins and needles; to quote her, 'It might as well not have been there at all.' She could barely move it but. When the doctor asked her to do the old tip of the finger to the nose test, her hand ended up somewhere near her thigh instead. This was about her only obvious physical sign and she had to be diagnosed via lumbar puncture test. Glad to say she's fine now, having made a lot of lifestyle changes, and it hardly bothers her.

Hope this gives you some reassurance.

28-09-09, 15:27
A big thank you to all of you helping me out here.
I have been to counselling today and they dont see any problems either except for the high anxiety i have right now.
Thanks everyone!!