View Full Version : setback

26-09-09, 20:10
My attacks came back after three years of being panic free, and these are worse than ever, it all started when I was really ill with flu and didn't go out for ages. When I felt better I went to the supermarket to do my food shopping and felt that old familiar feeling and had to leave the shop and get in the car, I couldent go back, I went home. After that I became obssessed with having another attack, I was convinced that everytime I left the house I will have one and I did, the worse one was when I went to the town centre and realised I was a long way from home, my vision blurred, I felt so dizzy and was convinced I would have a stroke or collapse in front of everyone. Since this attack I cant go out without having an attack, its awful and I really admire anyone that has to go through this.

26-09-09, 20:14
setbacks are awful arnt they. I am having one at the moment and know how upsetting it is

26-09-09, 20:18
I to am having a setback, its tough. Hang in there and it will pass.

26-09-09, 20:44
I know you feel like its never going to end but thanks 4 the encouragement :) it really helps to talk to people that know what im going through

26-09-09, 20:52
I am going through exactly the same, I had been panic free for years after having agraphobia, I started working 3 years ago, but I have been off sick for the past 4 months with panics and agraphobia, I have a panic every time i go out, i cant go out on my own at all at the moment, but getting out more now when someone is with me. We will get through this. Good luck

26-09-09, 20:58
I had to give up my job, Its really strange because I went to university for 3 years and had big hopes for when I graduated in July but now I feel like its all wasted. I cant imagine getting a job now. Im sure we can fight this thing, I wish I had a magic wand to make everyone on here panic free:)

26-09-09, 21:02
I have actually got worse since I went off sick, so I have set myself until the beginning of November then I am going to go back no matter how I feel, I love my job and this illness is not going to spoil anymore of my life, I packed one job in because of it once, but Im determined I wont again, I feel ill everyday but I have to battle on. we will beat it, try not to let it spoil all you have worked for, I know its hard but we have to keep going and try to have as many positive thoughts as possible.

26-09-09, 21:17
I really admire your strength, I think once you get over the anxiety of going back to work in the long term it will help take your mind off it and people tend to recover, I think the reason why mine got so bad was because I didnt go straight to work after being ill and it gave me time to dwell on the panic attacks, I think its a good idea to set goals, it gives us all hope. well done 4 being so positive, Im sure you will go back to work and be fine. good luck:)

26-09-09, 21:54
You'll get over this. As Claire Weekes says "just like the conductor can stop an orchestra you can stop all the upsetting symptoms of setback by one word: "acceptance". You'll feel low after flu. Accept, relax and you'll get well again.

27-09-09, 09:49
Hi Myra
thanks for the reply, you have given me hope and courage to beat this. I always refer to Dr Claire Weekes books whenever I feel like this and everthing she describes I can relate to.
Best wishes:)

27-09-09, 19:57
I always get my claire weeks books out when im like this, i have been quite positive for the past week but today has been full of panics and symptoms, been awful, went for meal for my mums birthday today and struggled really badly, but managed to stay, my heart is jumping all over he place tho. Need to get my positive head back on. It is awful being in a setback, and although we know the way forward, its easier said than done, but we will get there.