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View Full Version : Scary Day - Went to ER About Eye & Still Stressed

26-09-09, 20:13
Hello, I'm an otherwise-healthy 37-yr.-old female and woke up this morning not being able to focus my right eye. It scared me so much. For a few minutes I kept trying to wipe out the sleepy and refocus and it didn't work. Then I showered and I was able to focus a bit more but my eye was extremely blurry and it wouldn't get better - everything more than a meter away was blurry.

So my husband took me to the ER with an eye clinic and they checked out my eye - dialated the pupil and did all sorts of preliminary tests. Everything came out fine but the Dr. only said my eye was a bit irritated from allergies or something. But he could not explain why I would wake up with one eye out of focus and blurry. He said I didn't have any indications of links to the brain or a TIA but not knowing what caused it has made my HA return.

Over the course of the day my vision improved. The dialation has not worn off but now my vision seems to be totally restored, so it came back very slowly over the course of the day. My eye only aches and has a sting of pain once in awhile as if it's been through too much today. This has never happened to me before so I don't know what to think about it. I'm not particularly stressed or overtired. I have a light perscription and my right eye is actually supposed to be my stronger eye. I just don't know what to think and I'm also afraid to go to bed, that this might happen again tomorrow morning.