View Full Version : birthday blues

26-09-09, 23:23
Its my birthday today, (29) Ive had a good day with family and friends, my little girls have been fantastic, made me breakfast in bed.
Ive had a few hiccups the last couple of weeks with new sypmtoms for me, but they have subsided, so decided today was gonna be a good day........ it was until about an hour ago.
My boyfriend and father to our 2 girls who i have been with for 13 yrs, and who has been a total rock thru out all my problems, turned round out of the blue and said he has had enough!!! He is fed up with not knowing what mood im going to be in, fed up with something always being wrong.
I know im not always easy to live with and that my moods are up and down, but on a whole im ok, i never take it out on him and i try not to burden him.
So now hes fallen asleep my mind is racing about him not wanting me, loving me, what if he whats to end our relationship and leave. I love him and our girls more than anything, and im doing all i can to beat this bloody anxiety.
Im worrying so much im starting to panic and im fighting the panic but its really consuming me this time and im frightened, i dont want to have a panic attack. Im feeling really scared of everything now, and ive got a horrible pressure all at the back of my head!!! What will i do if he wants some time apart??? God the panic is coming........thanks for taking time to read.

Debs xx

26-09-09, 23:33
Happy Birthday hun:birthday1:

Im pretty sure when he has slept,tomorrow he will be ok.

I had a little tiff with my other half today,and like you I think he has had enough of my moods,up's and down's and all over the place.But he apologised later.
I have been a sufferer for along time and he is always there for me,but somtimes I can tell he is fed up.
Its hard for us with the illness,but its hard for the partners to.xxxx:hugs:

26-09-09, 23:54
I tend to agree with yorkylover. I think the negativity that comes with this type of illness can certainly affect partners, and sometimes their needs can be forgotten because we are so absorbed in what's going on with ourselves (speaking from personal experience here). You don't say if you're having treatment for the anxiety, but in any case maybe you could see a doctor to see what could be either done to treat you, or improve on any treatment you may already be having. I think you need to address your bf's concerns and show him that he's important to you. Good luck.x