View Full Version : flu or swine flu?

26-09-09, 23:31
A few people i know have had flu this week and today I feel achey.

I dont have a temp(i think...or maybe just a little one) but I was wondering what are the symptoms i should really beaware off?

Does swine flu come on suddenly etc???

27-09-09, 01:05
sky high temp one of the first signs of swine flu, but if you are concerned phone the pandemic service. also three members of my family have had the dreaded sf and it was in fact not as bad as the normal seasonal flu :-) hope you are feeling better soon x

27-09-09, 02:32
I've had similar thoughts.

Friday, went to work as normal, felt sniffly, slightly hot - cold temperature.

Got home, more or less ok.

Had a beer, had a pizza.

Later, I did start to feel hot, a bt achey, ... hmmm... I'm wondering...

Went to bed.

Woke up, no temp. Sniffle throughout the day. As, btw, most of the kids at school have (I am, as my username suggests, a teacher).

Something is running through our place. 66 kids complained of symptoms on Friday, but only 3 confirmed cases of Swine Flu since we came back early September.

So, either.

a. What I and you have is a sniffly cold
b. We all have Swine Flu and it is pathetically mild

I still have a sniffle now, it is 2:31 am in the morning and I am about to open bottle number 5 of "Becks beer" - ill I am not :D

27-09-09, 12:12
Well they are saying it's only Swine Flu if you have a temperature above 38 and two or more of:

unusual tiredness,
runny nose,
sore throat,
shortness of breath or cough,
loss of appetite,
aching muscles,
diarrhoea or vomiting.They are basically saying it's not Swine Flu if you don't have a temperature so it's probably just a cold, means we are slowly getting into the season for these pesky things, also SF does come on suddenly, well so they say.

27-09-09, 17:09
cheers guys.

Day 2 and i dont feel any worse....no sniffles etc. Just achey. Hopefully it'll pass.

Cheers guys.

27-09-09, 18:57
the viral infection i had in july the docs now think it was SF, i had a 38.9 temp, no appetite, extremely tired and diarrohea, came on all of a sudden, few days after my 1st panic attack :(

27-09-09, 19:05
how u supposed to knpw what ur temp is f you dont have a themometer. Apart from feeling a little hot say and guessing?

28-09-09, 19:33
u would feel ur body burning up and u would sweat and have chills as well like sweating hot then freezing to where u chittering.

i wouldnt worry i have had the cold for 3 weeks now runny nose sore throat blocked up and a cough.

but i was told you would know if u had swine flu someone said u wouldnt be able to get out ur bed.

10-10-09, 13:39
I currently have swine flu was prescribed Tamiflu/Diaoralyte/Paracetemol

I will admit the fatigue is awful as are the headaches high temp and vommiting.

It hit me like a ton of bricks a few days ago - My doc reccomends for high temps to wrap a towel round me an stand outside as the cold air does bring a high temp down - not a pretty sight for the neighbours!!

All this hype about SF is really frightening for us who gets it - but all I can say is by day 3 it peaks after that you're slowly beginning to mend - Plenty of fluids and bed rest does help - Try not to be alarmed if you do get it not as bad as you think.

Take care all xx

11-10-09, 04:30
nobody Knows what flu it is at the moment. If it seems a bad flu or a mild flu the National Pandemic service use precaution and say its swine flu. It seems the only time they test for true swine flu is if you die.


13-10-09, 22:07
Hey folks, last month I had a high temp for a couple of days over the weekend, started coughing etc, phoned docs on the monday, told me to come on on the tues, they then said they thought it was upper respirotory (they also said on the phone they werent testing for swine flu) I was rough for a while, went back to the docs and it had went into a chest infection (I am also asthmatic)...I think if it had been swine flu I probably would have had the temp longer and vomiting etc but with what I had I was yuk for 2-3 weeks :-(

Shaz x

15-10-09, 13:57
Everybody has the cold so how do you know if you have it? I heard like 200 people were off a school and 7 had swine Flu so perhaps it's like one in ten?

So what's the score? Just hope it passes? I guess swine flu can just pass like normal flu and you never know?

It worries me seeing it on the news again.

15-10-09, 14:02
What i'd like to know is are they calling every case of 'flu' 'swine flu' this year... how can they tell the difference without taking blood?? i dont think there are as many cases of 'swine' flu as people think tbh.. either way i hope you feel better soon.. Just rest and take lots of fluids x

18-10-09, 15:19
Its supposivly going to get worse in the winter.
The poor SF help line is gonna be streaming with
repeative calls. My neck aches around my glands
and i have a runny nose, the thought of it is making
me feel really ill .. :scared15:

:weep: .Ruby. :unsure:

18-10-09, 16:08
What i'd like to know is are they calling every case of 'flu' 'swine flu' this year... how can they tell the difference without taking blood?? i dont think there are as many cases of 'swine' flu as people think tbh.. either way i hope you feel better soon.. Just rest and take lots of fluids x

They are pretty much yes, anyone with 'flu like symptoms' at the moment are believed to have swine flu, when it is more likely that they have the normal seasonal flu, so all these figures are very misleading, i'd just go by the 'clinically proven' number of cases, which in Wales is around the 190 mark :lac: