View Full Version : Sleep issues

27-09-09, 02:47
When I'm trying to sleep I feel like I can't shut my mind off. It's a weird experience. These are not the usual racing thoughts, even though I have the most random thoughts popping out of nowhere in my mind, but I also get them during the day.

When I go to bed, I'm in a half-awake and half-asleep state. It seems that parts of my mind are active and functioning on their own. I would compare it to trying to sleep when you're sick and with a very high fever. :shrug:
I'm just lying in bed unable to do anything about it, worrying this is the onset of schizophrenia (+ I have been feeling very very very weird for a couple of weeks).

For example - I went to bed three hours ago. Then I suddenly realized I'm not really asleep, I'm rather half-awake and I detect that some part of my mind is thinking some nonsense about organizing and leading some seminar and teaching courses (?!?), and that I can't make it stop. I can't really explain it well, but I'm worried about it.

Also, I feel like I'm half-awake even when I do sleep and dream, like I can't switch myself off completely and go into a proper relaxing deep sleep. It's annoying and exhausting.

Can anyone relate to any of this ?

27-09-09, 08:40
Hi Lotus

I can relate to this, i often get this feeling, usually when im stressed or over tired, i usually dont sleep well at all, but when this is happening it makes you really extra tired and cranky. Have you been to see a dr? are you currently on any medication?
I also get periods that i am half awake/ half asleep were i will have visual hypnogogic hallucinations, where i see all sorts of things, and i am up shouting and screeming and hitting out, my physchiatrist assures me this is distressing but not harmful in any way, and is the period between not been quite asleep , yet not quite awake either, and apparently they are more common with the medication i am on. I am telling you this not to alarm you , but reassure you that even with hallucinations like i have , it doesnt mean i have got schizophrenia. i have come to accept it now and dont worry about it.

best wishes

P x

27-09-09, 11:00
I get this - If found it worse since I've started ADs tho - are you on meds?

27-09-09, 11:11
No, I'm not taking ADs, only very very small doses of Clonazepam (in the final stages of tapering).

Desprate Dan
29-09-09, 22:18

I can really relate to you and you half sleep half awake feeling, i do it all the time and have done most of my life, but it seem's to have got worse since taking Citalopram..

I get about 2-3hrs a night of broken sleep were i am in and out of a dream like state i also suffer from strange and frightening dreams which wake me up in a panic...:scared15: i normaly go to bed between 11 and midnight but normally wake between 2am and 3am and then just lay awake thinking what my dreams say about me and why am i awake when its cold and dark outside and i am warm and comfy in bed..

I get a lot of mind chatter were random things pop in and out my head all the time too..

It also seem that i am in a semi concious state (Dream like) and i will often wake myself up by shouting out..:wacko:

I have never asked for medication but i have mentioned it to my doc but all i have been given is a leaflet telling you things like preparing yourself for sleeping and avoiding caffine and other things etc..

But i am going to need to address this as its having a big effect on my life and the way i function..

Sorry i havent got the answer but you are not alone..

Desprate (for good sleep) Dan..:)

02-10-09, 21:03
U are not alone - I get this aswell! I've had this for years - don't think I've had a good sleep since I was a child!
I have lots of "mind chatter" as you so accurately put it! It's a horrible feeling - as if my body is "resting" but my mind totally awake. Sometimes like you said hours will go by & I realise that I havn't dropped off! My mind just doesn't switch off! Think my body is just used to it - I get about 5 hours sleep a night. When my anxiety was really bad a couple of years ago my sleep was extremely disturbed & took OTC sleep aids for months on end just to be abe to drift off as doc said sleeping tabs are too addictive!
I just accept it now but it's exhausting - just wish I could switch off totally & sleep like a normal person!
Wish I could give you advice... & hope that you find a way of sleeping right... if you do let me know! x

02-10-09, 21:16
I think this is all anxiety that's causing you to feel like this. On the verge of sleep you do think silly/strange things, even more so when anxious. When you are highly anxious you're constantly holding onto your every thought and feeling day and night. It's very common for people with our symptoms to worry about schizophrenia. If we had schizophrenia we wouldn't be asking about the symptoms. This is an illness where people really believe what they think/feel. It's all about anxiety and us getting our imaginations to run riot. You're not alone.
Take care