View Full Version : Mouth and tooth pains.

27-09-09, 03:09
A few days ago I had a toothache, but it went away. Today I've been experiencing some pains in my gums (near the tooth that hurt the other day). Generally I'm not very good at oral hygiene, but after the toothache I made sure to brush every day. The tooth that hurt seemed to be the tooth I got a root canal on 4 years ago. On an unrelated (but useful to know) note, I had my wisdom teeth out last year. I feel like I've experienced pains like this before but am not certain. The pain is localized, and it's more of a soreness. I will try to schedule a dentist visit on Monday and get it checked out, I'd just like some reassurance for the immediate moment that it's probably nothing serious. Anyone out there experience normal, everyday things that could cause these symptoms? Thanks :)

27-09-09, 22:23
Hmmm...Iīve been getting pains and aches after I had my wisdom tooth removed. Especially when the weatherīs about to change or stuff. I checked with my dentist and he couldnīt find anything wrong. But pls make sure you see yours, just to be on the safe side. Good luck!

27-09-09, 23:02
I had this couple of years ago and the dentist said I was clenching my teeth during the night. If this is the case then you can get a gum shield to wear whilst sleeping. Doesn't sound nice but can help. I still get it now and again and the dentist says my teeth are fine so it probably is a tension thing with me.

sarah jayne
28-09-09, 15:04
You could have an abcess, i have one at the moment. Im on antibiotics and need root canal treatment because of it x