View Full Version : Fear of having a stroke

27-09-09, 10:06
whenever I have a panic attack, im convinced I will have a stoke, Im constantly worried about having a stroke because of all the stress panics putting on my body. My uncle died of a stroke a few years ago, I cared for him until he died and I cant seem to move on, the symptoms of a stoke are similar to panic and I always think the worse. Does anyone else feel like this? or can advise me? I would really appreciate it.

27-09-09, 13:26
Yeh dude i fear stroke alot get it checked out whatever you fell before its to late.Last thing you want is to loose function in your brain and be stuck in a semi consious state the rest of your life

27-09-09, 16:10

Your panic attacks will not cause a stroke. I can understand your fears because that is what anxiety and panic can do - install a sense of fear and insecurity. As a result irrational thoughts can be over powering, particularily if they are at sensitive times in life.

Go to your GP, if only to ease your mind over this, but as I previously said the panic attack will not cause a stroke

28-09-09, 03:25
The way to overcome panic and anxiety.. Like I would know.. lol is to just realize that you can die any minute from anything.. There is no way of predicting what the next minute will bring.. Funny thing is.. Sometimes its a bus or air plane crash or a bomb on a subway .. not a stroke or a heart attack or a blood clot.. I deal with these worries everyday . .and I keep struggling myself to say .. Live your life.

Stop the worrying because you cannot control what is or is not going to happen.. We are just killing ourselves and making ourselves miserable tryinng to control everything in our life and we cannot.

I read an article about a person that was so paranoid about cars ,people, smoking, eating contaminated food ,pollution, assault.. Everything you could be terrified of.. They moved many many miles out away from people ,raised their own food stayed inside all day almost everyday except gardening and had someone else shop for them. Wouldn't sleep in the dark..
and have more fears about everything than anyone could imagine..

Well things were going well they were living in what they thought was protective settings ,secure and nothing possible to be exposed to or hurt by . One night as they slept a piece of a meteor crashed through their roof and hit them in the head and killed them instantly .. Thus ending a secure life.

Moral of the story is .. you can't no matter what you do protect yourself from what the future holds so the best thing to do is face the future and forget the fears..Fear will kill you .. worry .. not that I conqured any of this but wanted others what I think about everyday ,,

We cannot control our destiny so why tremble and fear it. Just embrace it and do the best we can.. Hope this helps someone..

28-09-09, 18:31
thanks for the reply looking4answers, i really felt comforted by the prayer. You are right, we tend to worry about things that might never happen and end up being killed by a bus, I wish I could stop the feelings but its so difficult, its like I have no control over them but I will keep trying :)