View Full Version : Interested in others road to recovery from depression

27-09-09, 12:05
I have been suffering with depression/anxiety since June. I have increased my ad's (sertraline) by 25 mg every 2-3 weeks from 50 mg to 175 mg, my psychiatrist has said i can go to 200mg.

My question is, when recovering from depression how many bad days in a row
is usual. I have had a good 2 weeks, gradually doing some things that i haven't done since June. Finding some of the activities tough but taking it slowly.

I have now had 3 bad days in a row an I am starting to worry over this, i know that recovery is up and down and to expect some bad days but I just wanted to hear about others experiences with this, i.e how long recovery took, what was the road to recovery like. I guess i am scared that the meds aren't going to work etc ( all negative i know) and that 3 off days is not the norm.

Thank you for reading this post.

Take care

Sue xx

27-09-09, 17:47
Hiya Sue,I'm in a fairly similar position to you right now.Some good days and then others not so good.However,try not to worry too much (he says) about three bad days in a row.What is important is the GENERAL trend,and to try to accept the less good days as a blip.I myself have just been changed to seroxat from citalopram (3 days ago) and can totally empathise with your fears of the meds not working.I actually feel pretty low as I type this....it came on this afternoon and I think its cos its Sunday and my thoughts automatically turn to the week ahead.Do you keep a diary?I have a series of notebooks that record my moods and events of each day.Often this way you can see patterns and why they develop.Please take good care of yourself and hope this helps.

Hugs, Fishy xx

27-09-09, 21:35
Hi Fishy

Thank you your reply has helped a alot. It just feels so confusing with the ups and downs. I think I do overreact to the down days and then let my thoughts tumble down to negativity. :weep:

Sorry you to hear you are not having such a good time of it either. I do keep a daily chart/graph of my anxiety/depression. On a scale of 1 -20 I mark the worst I felt and the best I felt each day.

I have bought a book to keep a daily diary in but I haven't started it yet!!! I keep thinking "i will start tomorrow" but then i put it off??? :shrug:

Others around me say they can see improvement and guess I can see an upward trend but its the feelings on the inside that others can't see and trying to explain these feelings to someone who has not expereinced them is difficult. I have got a great family and good friend around me but only my son-in-law has experienced these feelings. He is caring but he is not very verbal plus i don't like to burden him. That is the great thing about NMP others truly understand and can empathise.

Thanks again for your reply. Hope you have a good day tomorrow.

Take care

Sue xxx :hugs:

27-09-09, 22:44
You're very welcome Sue,and yes you're right....its very easy for our thoughts to become negative,to despair with the anxiety.And then begins that vicious circle where the anxiety feeds off that depression.I'm glad that there is at least one person in your family who understands,but I know what you mean about the people here understanding.Only fellow sufferers can truly know what we are feeling,even the psychologists/psychiatrists are merely students of mental health (just my opinion by the way).

I hope you have a good week,take care now...

Hugs, Fishy xx

01-03-13, 08:35
Hi,I have had 3 good days and woke up this morning feeling anxious and in a really low mood,I think its because Ive had good days and feel upset and depressed as I thought it had gone away.I have been on 200mg sertraline since November is it too early to expect a full recovery .Last night I thought I feel so good I'm going to do loads tomorrow and now I feel really low I know I cant handle them.Did anyone else have really bad mornings and did they get better as the depression lifted.Everyone says they can see a big improvement but when I'm like this I have this fear that it was just a blip of having good days and I am stuck with this forever.Possitive answers only please,cant hack negative at this moment .xxx

01-03-13, 14:48
Hi I'm not sure I can contribute much but I am on day 1 of my trek. 50mg sertraline daily until I meet with an npc at the end of next month. First dose was last night they will assess it when I see them.

I just try to have more good days than bad days but not sure about anyone else. I can have a great day and flip in the evening.

Heres to improvement.


25-05-13, 06:56
Hi,I had a breakdown at the end of 2011.I was put on estalapram but they didn't work.I am on quetiapin 400mg and sertraline 200mg.been on those since the end of October 2012,(7 months) I am still having down times (mostly in the mornings) but always pick up at night now.They say I am on the road to recovery,but why do my moods fluctuate still.Anyone help please.