View Full Version : Hi, im new here, and have some concerns :-/

27-09-09, 14:20
Hi, well my concerns are about this lump if got under my jaw, its right by where the jaw bends a little below the ear. Its hard and moves freely about. its not painful and its under a centimetre in size. Ive had it i think over 5 years, i dont think i remember it coming or being any smaller, it hasnt changed all the time its been there. Its on the right hand side, its not visible unless i turn my head to the left then you can see it slightly. I dont know why im really posting this, im terrified of what this could be. Im too scared to see a doctor to find out. Im 18 and otherwise healthy i think :-/ As i said i really dont know why im posting this because im even nervous about getting answers that i dont want :-(

27-09-09, 14:24
I have one of those too - had it years and it has never changed or grown.

I think it is lymph node.

27-09-09, 14:31
im not sure its a lymph node, i had a dental infection a couple of weeks ago and got a swollen lymph node with that and it was totally different to this thing :-/

27-09-09, 14:38
Well I have one the same - I can move it around. Been there as long as I can remember to be honest so I guess it is harmless.

27-09-09, 14:53
ok thanks, so you dont think i need to see a dr? do you ever get a stiff and clicky jaw on that side?

Cell block H fan
27-09-09, 15:13
My son has 3 that sound similar to yours, just in front of his ear, just above his adams apple, & literally under his chin. Places I didn't think we had glands, but thats all they are so the doc says! Blood tests came back clear, & he's had them a couple of years now (he's 14) so we have to just leave them. Well, he doesn't, he fiddles with the one under his chin, it drives me mad! lol

27-09-09, 15:20
ok thanks, i just made the mistake of googling :-( ohhh dear!!

27-09-09, 15:50
:bansign: WARNING doctor Googleis BAD for your health :ban:

We only ever read the bad bits, if you have had it that long with no ill efects it cant be that bad

Cell block H fan
27-09-09, 17:44
ok thanks, i just made the mistake of googling :-( ohhh dear!!

Well dont tell us what it said because I gave up googling years ago, & I will only start worrying again, even though the doc has said all is fine for my son & its been a couple of years! :hugs:

28-09-09, 02:27
I learnt my lesson googling too. Now I only use it for non health related searches. Anything health related I come here cause I know its my anxiety.