View Full Version : 'Beating the Blues'

27-09-09, 14:50
I know there have been quite a few threads about this, but I didn't know where to post, so thought I would start a new thread (hope this is ok!).

I started on the 'Beating the Blues' course last week through a local Mental Health Self-Help Support group. Having had some mis-givings about the computerised and non-personalised nature about this, I was somewhat surprised.

The group I am doing the course through, have provided me with someone to sit with me while I was doing the course, and this gave me the personalisation and the ability to talk through (with another actual human being!!!) what I was going to write and the things the course was providing.

Personally, I think this talking helped more than the computer program itself! I found the program a little frustrating as I didn't feel I had enough space to write what I wanted (one of the questions asking me to list my problems, only gave four short lines of space when I could have written for pages and pages - I have been through a lot!!!).

Hopefully it will continue to be of use, even if it just someone having someone else to discuss things with.

Lima x

01-06-10, 13:05
I registered for the course but can't get past the first page.

I think my flash may need updated.

16-06-10, 21:58

I am also on the beating the blues course - got my 4th session next week. I totally agree with what you said about the lack of writing space!! I don't know about you but writing things is a big help for me, and ust as i get going, i've run out of room!

How many sessions have you had so far, and are you finding it is helping? I find the diary keeping pretty helpful - and surprisng! I didn't realise how long i have had negative / distorted thinking etc..

Anyway had better go, but would love to hear how your finding it all

take care
