View Full Version : Appetite

27-09-09, 15:11
This is my 4th day of taking 20mg Citalopram..

No Major side effects.. Im having headaches all threw out the day :weep:
And finding it hard to sleep :scared15:
My main consurn is my loss of appetite.. im never hungry, when i do eat i can only have a small amount.. i am currently on 1 small meal a day.. but needing lots to drink :wacko: exspecialy tea.. lol.!!
Food just doesnt look appealing or taste nice just plain..!! StRaNgE..!!!!!!

Anyone going through the same..?

27-09-09, 20:36
What you are experiencing is the side effects,I was exactly the same ..Drink more water and juice .Smoothies and maybe some Complan milk shakes .Yoghurts and small sandwiches are good for a poor appetite .Sliced fruit is nice to nibble on .It will help you feel better if you eat small ammounts but often .It does pass and you will have a good appetite for a while to make up for it ..Eating something when you take you pill helps your stomach as well .The insommnia is a pain ,get up for a bit and have a drink ,read a book or watch the tv ,It s terrible laying there .This is also common when you first start on cit .it too will pass .The headaches are best treated with paracetamol ,Dont take Ibrofen .Good luck Jordan hope you will feel better soon ..HugsSue :hugs:

Lion King
27-09-09, 21:00
Hi Jordan,

Good advice from Sue, eat little & often! I had the same problem, I just ate for the sake of eating with no desire or appetite!

In time your appetite will come back with avengance, this happened around week 5 on cit!

Hope you well!!


27-09-09, 22:39
Yup, my appetite has packed it's bags too.
Not good, as i had been losing weight from tummy problems before starting on the pills...and i was only 8 stone to begin with.:ohmy:
My GP has said I HAVE to eat - but I just can't. I am forcing down a bowl of porridge every morning, simply so I can take the citalopram after it. Lunch is the worst - I can just about manage a piece of cheese on toast on a good day. Dinner is hit-and-miss.
I just don't fancy anything - not even chocolate (and I'm a chocoholic)!

I think little and often may be the answer.

29-09-09, 01:00
Im on day 5 now. Im am also having problems sleeping. and im not eating much either, but saying that my apitite wasnt brilliant before taking cit.
When I do get to sleep im restless. Im sure it will pass when our bodies get used to the tablets.

29-09-09, 22:19
Chickpea! Same! lol im a chocoholic but the thought of food including my fav is killing me! I feel sick and cant physically force it down. I hope my appitite just comes back normally becuase i want to healthily lose weight once ive stableised my moods and anxiety. I had no side effects first time round now im on day 2 and i have been in bed all day feeling like ive been attatched to a morphine drip lol