View Full Version : nightmares

27-09-09, 16:20
can anyone tell me if anyone has nightmares on a regular basis i find I'm going to sleep then wake up open my eyes and always see a face somewhere i then jump up in fright even if my wife comes to bed latter and she opens the door i jump startled .

27-09-09, 17:14
Hey man next time this ocurs check your mouth if its really dry that means you have had a panic atack in your dreams i know it sounds silly but does happen if not i would say see your gp and get some sleep therapy i have strange dreams sometimes i know how scary it can be.

27-09-09, 17:46
I often wake up with a dry mouth and I am pretty sure I haven't had a panic attack in my sleep- I just need a drink of water.

Melvin, you must be very scared- have you sat down with your wife and had a good chat about this? I would say this would be an excellent starting point.

27-09-09, 17:48
hey thanks for that i will do

27-09-09, 17:53
hi Sarah thanks for Ur reply iv had these nightmares for a while now and they are terrifying sometimes i don't know who can help me this prop really

27-09-09, 18:05
I really do think having a good, open and honest chat with your wife would really help. She is not going to laugh at you, she is going to listen and she is going to be sympathetic.

In addition to telling her what you're experiencing, talk to her about stuff you might be finding stressful or difficult in your waking hours. Perhaps you think it bears no relation to your nightmares but believe me, talking things through will help. Also make sure you talk about aspects of your life you are enjoying and find rewarding. I find this helps put things into perspective.

This may sound trite but do you have a pre-bed routine? Maybe a walk and a bath before bedtime would help and how about agreeing with yourself that you'll have no telly in the bedroom and you will switch off your computer no later than, say, 8pm, to give you time to wind down? If you read before bed, try not to read exciting thrillers or things like that. Make sure your bedroom is clean and tidy with regular changes of duvet covers and sheets- treat yourself to some quality bedding if you haven't already. Also make sure there's a window open in your bedroom and have a glass of water next to you in case you do get a dry mouth in the night. These all may sound like minor things but believe me, they can make a big difference.

In addition, there is no shame whatsoever in going to your GP and explaining what is happening. This is a valid medical problem- and that's what they're there for, after all. Sometimes just a chat with the doc, a bit of reassurance, helps enormously.

27-09-09, 22:20
Hey there,
I do get those, too, I always have, in fact. I went to a doc because of them, got some antidepressants and that helped. I´ve been off them for several years now and the dreams are back,but they don´t come as frequently. A good pre-bed routine does help. I only get those dreams whenever there´s something going on in my life, but it can also be a good thing. Like when I got a new exciting job or when I´m generally excited about something, so it´s not always bad. One thing helped immensely - I have a buddy who works constant night shifts and is mostly bored and looking for a bit of company. So whenever I wake up all scared, I know I can shoot him a message or call and just chitchat about stupid stuff. I just know there´s someone and I´m not alone and that takes care of most of the problems. I´m keeping my fingers crossed for ya. You´ll beat those awful dreams!

28-09-09, 18:55
thanx for all ur replys guys

29-09-09, 10:06
Hey Melvin,
you´re sure not alone...had an awful one on my own last nite. I dreamed I was in some kind of a hospital for terminal cancer patients. And guess what - all of my friends were there.....I woke up sooo scared.

29-09-09, 18:37
hey melvin,
your not alone, think so many people suffer like this.i to have really bad nightmares everynight, infact i dont sleep much due to to pain and nightmares and this site has been a godsend as i thought i was going crazy..i hope yours start to subside,my mouth also so dry when i wake in a massive panic.. unsure weather im having panic attacks or they are flashbacks..all the same i can understand how you feel..if you find anything that helps you, let me know, and ill do the same..smiles sam