View Full Version : Headache

anx mum
27-09-09, 16:58
Having constant headaches must b for 6 weeks now the pain was a dull ache mainly on left side of head but just lately its moved 2 forehead and right side all over really. Dont understand cos sleep ok and wake up with headache if it was muscular surely my head would b a little better anyone experienced heads like this before?

27-09-09, 18:35
Hi anx mum, i get alot of headaches, some worse than others and some lasting weeks. The ones that for weeks arent severe more niggly, they just seem 2 hang around, they are there as soon as i get up til the time i go 2 bed. I can relate to the fact you have a had your headache 4 a long time. I have no quick fix suggestions for you because i have tried everything for the longer lasting headaches, from essential oils to heat pads and nothing works for me. In the end i think you need to convince yourself its nothing bad (brain tumors etc) and sort of try and live along side it, hopefully like me you will find it will just dwindle away. But i can relate hun, hope you start to feel better sooner rather than later, take care,
Debs xx

anx mum
27-09-09, 18:44
thank u deb tried everything too heatpads, cool strips, tigerbalm,pain killers really gets u down dosent it.

27-09-09, 19:00
it sure does anx mum, i take it you have been to the docs etc to be checked out etc?? When i went with a headache that lasted 4-5 weeks he said it was a tension headache. Debs xx

anx mum
27-09-09, 19:06
Same here was it all over or on one side?

27-09-09, 22:51
I wonder if you are grinding your teeth at night which will add to it - so the tension is in your jaw which leads to headaches.

Did you get that book yet?

28-09-09, 08:28
Hi anx mum, mine was mainly on the left side but it did spread all over. Nicola is right with the teeth grinding i do this alot when im stressed!!! Sometimes you dont even realise you r doing it.
Debs xx

anx mum
28-09-09, 12:43
yeah got book when i read the tension headache really dosent sound like mine just feel so down x

28-09-09, 18:28
Well have a read of the rest of the book as well cos there are loads of things to try for headaches.

28-09-09, 20:24
I get this when I'm worrying about something a lot. Soon as the worries pass, so do the headaches.

I'm planning on getting an eyetest as I think I need glasses anyway!