View Full Version : Constant fear of having an attack

27-09-09, 17:58
I was really proud of myself today, I managed to go for a walk alone and even sat and had a drink at a cafe, which is a big achievement for me, even though i feel proud of myself im still constantly thinking about panic attacks even though im not actually having one. Im always in fear of when the next one will happen, if I done that same walk tomorrow Im so frightened I will have one and it will send me back to the beginning and I will end up stuck again, I wish I could forget about it but its always at the back of my mind.:weep:

27-09-09, 18:04
I was really proud of myself today, I managed to go for a walk alone and even sat and had a drink at a cafe, which is a big achievement for me, even though i feel proud of myself im still constantly thinking about panic attacks even though im not actually having one. Im always in fear of when the next one will happen, if I done that same walk tomorrow Im so frightened I will have one and it will send me back to the beginning and I will end up stuck again, I wish I could forget about it but its always at the back of my mind.:weep:

Well done Pink, really well done on the achievement. Try to stay positive and maybe try and do that same walk again tomorrow and see how it goes?

27-09-09, 18:15
well done on going out pinkcherry! Just take it a day at a time - step by step - dont beat ur self up if you cant do it tomorrow - recovery takes time and we all have up and downs - but ur doing fab! :)

27-09-09, 18:18
Thanks John, I like the celtic flag, I was up in Inverness a few weeks ago before all this panic started, I love Scotland, im hoping that when I recover I can go back up there. I will try and do the walk tomorrow and if I have an attack at least I tried.
Best Wishes :)
p.s: thanks star, I just read your thread, Its so nice to talk to you all

anx mum
27-09-09, 18:20
Wanna say well done hun going out know how hard it is back in sept i wouldnt go out for 6 months. Panic attacks r horrible if u ever want 2 talk pm me or r u on msn?

27-09-09, 18:28
Thanks John, I like the celtic flag, I was up in Inverness a few weeks ago before all this panic started, I love Scotland, im hoping that when I recover I can go back up there. I will try and do the walk tomorrow and if I have an attack at least I tried.
Best Wishes :)
p.s: thanks star, I just read your thread, Its so nice to talk to you all

No probs Pink :shades:

Scotland is indeed very nice and you should get up more often.

I'm sure that you will be fine. Let us know how you get on tomorrow. It's good to talk about it.

I'll echo AnxMum's comments... feel free to PM if you need to talk.

27-09-09, 18:33
I will let you know how I did and make sure you all keep trying too, and let me know how your'e getting on.

27-09-09, 18:41
I will let you know how I did and make sure you all keep trying too, and let me know how your'e getting on.

Will do.

Take care :)

27-09-09, 22:58
Well done pickcherryhearts ..:yesyes:
Just try to focus on the positive side ,going out and enjoying having a coffee rather than on the negative the fear of a panic attack..it is a battle ..but it can be won ..
take care