View Full Version : anyone else feel like this?

freudian nightmare
27-09-09, 18:08
I'm not sure if this is the right place to say this, and i hope that i don't sound really mean. It's just that when i see others i know from school or just from a long time ago they always seem happier more contented people than me and i just feel a bit sad. I know it's probably part of dep/anx but i'm feeling more like it than i usually do and just wondered if anyone else ever feels this way, or am i being a nasty vindictive person. I just wonder why i can't be like others and whether they're as happy as i think they are or just seem it cos i'm not as happy as i would like to be.:unsure: I hope that makes sense lol! It's not that i don't want others to be happy, i just wished i felt a bit happier and not like everyone else's life is great and mine isn't. Sorry if i sound a bit bitter and twisted but i'm sure i'm not the only one who ever feels this way am i? Please any replies would be helpful :) x

27-09-09, 18:35
I know that when I first became ill I felt like you. Umfortunately we can't go back to how things once were before depression/anxiety and for me complete mental breakdown set in. It is a hard lesson to learn. You have to learn to move on to try new experiences learn new things meet new friends. It will hurt at first and you'll want to go back to how things once were..You will begin to enjoy life again. It takes time believe me it might take some time but you can do it. It is a part of recovery and becoming well again. Once you are 'there' you wont want to go back to the old place ever again.

27-09-09, 18:37
Hi Ya

You are not alone i even look at people on the TV and thing "bet they have no worries" and yes i often thing everyone else is happier,
All part of the anxiety thing im afraid x

freudian nightmare
28-09-09, 12:04
Thanks for your replys, it's good to know i'm not on my own. I think it must be a part of my depression as i've never felt quite as bad as i do now, i am not as able to control my negative emotions with depression as i did with anx/panic. They are very different and i suppose it's just a matter of finding a way to deal with it although easier said than done. Thanks again :) x

28-09-09, 12:24
when you look at people ilke i do, they do seem to have no worries and i agree we want to be like that ,but all that we see isnt so,, many people go out and about put smile on but inside they might have same thing people cant believe i have this illness as i come across happy but insde crying wanting to feel normal again :bighug1:

28-09-09, 13:15
You are not alone. This how people with depression see the world. They think that everyone has a better life and then they feel resentful of their own life. I should know - I felt that everyone around me was happy and content with their lives which made me feel even more miserable for my under achievement. In turn I began to feel that my life was worthless, unimportant that I was a failure this then led to feelings of frustration, hopelessness and anger. You would be surprised just how many people out there put on a smile to get them through the day and then when they get home their world crashing down around them. All they can see and think is negitivity - this my dear friend is depression and how we learn to cope with it is a mystery I also am trying to solve. I sincerely hope you have the support of your doctor and family. You have our support on NMP. It is so important to talk to people and not be lonely in your thoughts. You can always PM me and I will try my best to cheer you up - please don't suffer alone! Big hugs sent to you - can't find the big hugs icon - told you I wasn't very good at this!! :)

freudian nightmare
28-09-09, 14:02
Thanks again all,
Your replys and support are very much appreciated, it's so nice when others understand and can relate to how you feel. Depression can affect how we feel about everything and just knowing that i'm not on my own is such a big relief. Not that i would wish it on anyone but sadly as we know so many experience this debilitating illness. Take care and best wishes to you all :flowers: x

28-09-09, 14:53
That is how I used to feel before I had a breakdown. It really wore me down thinking negative thoughts such a lot and over analyzing and thinking everyone was having a better time. I was a mess inside and yet I know people who knew me, didnt have a clue how I was feeling, because I was all smiles on the surface.
I can still get the same feelings but maybe it is now because I am on citalopram that I dont tend to be so bothered by them, and I distract myself from the thoughts or replace the negative with positive thoughts about my life and me, which sometimes depending on how I feel is very difficult.
I mainly get the feeling that everyone is having a better time than me, when I am depressed and also I can feel completely alone with how bad I feel and yet realistically thousands and thousands of people on the planet will be feeling a similar way with depression I am sure.
I always thought I just had anxiety but now looking back I can see I was depressed at times too and it wasn't just anxious thoughts but depressed ones too - 'everyone seems to be having a great time in life apart from me thoughts'.
Try thinking of the good things about you and your life when you start comparing yourself and just keep reminding yourself that despite how a situation or person looks on the surface, that underneath it may be totally the opposite.
I hope things improve for you.

freudian nightmare
28-09-09, 21:04
Thanks poppy,
I would like to think more about the positive things but since i've become depressed i can only think of the negative aspects of my life. I know their are many people with worse problems than i have but i suppose the selfish side of my illness thinks it's only me who has a difficult life, and that noone else could possibly feel as bad as i do. I just hate the hopelessness and helplessness that comes with depression, but talking to others is such a help. I think the fact that many don't like discussing such things as depression/anx only makes things worse as unfortunately there is still a stigma attached, sometimes it's not until we speak to others about how we feel they too confess feeling similar. Curse the british reserve and stiff upper lip lol!

30-09-09, 17:32
I promise you that a lot of people have horrendous problems but you'd never know because they project basic contentment. If I told you all the instances of this I alone have come across, my hands would fall off from typing.

30-09-09, 18:49
Hiya !
I used to feel like this all the time.....now only some of the time. I used to look at people and make up their sotry. If I saw a glamourous female I would make up her life story in head. Like it must be great to be her- she probably has a clean house, no dirty dishes, she is probably on her wasy to a spa for some relaxation, beauty treatments, etc. I realize now that this is ridiculous. I have no way of knowing if other people's lives are "better" than mine. Yes I am tortured by my anxiety and depression but no one looking at me can see the pain.
I read an article that suggested we wrtie out our day in magazine fashion. Have you ever read an article/interview with someone and their life sounds fabulous? Just wrtie your day like one of these articles. It actually helped me feel better about my life. For example, instead of "got a cup of coffee " say "using the most unique mug in the world, I carefully filled it with the nectar of the gods-coffee..."
Of course I still look at others and feel my life is less than theirs but it has helped.
Take Care

30-09-09, 19:01
I feel annoyed with people who seem to think "depression" is the same as "sad"

My friend said today "Im so depressed i cant go out with my friends this weekend" I get angry thinking you have such a nice SANE life compared to me right now so just think going out at the weekends isnt all life is about!

And i wish i could switch lives with someone for a day, even though in general i like the aspects of my life the anxiety and depression are just hard

01-10-09, 09:24
:hugs: A really big thank you to all of you - for the first time in my life I feel normal (strange way of putting it I know) but I don't feel like I'm a freak. I'm sorry that you have to experience what I'm going through also, but just knowing that I'm not alone is reassuring - hope you understand where I'm coming from and don't take offence. Poppy take it easy.:bighug1: