View Full Version : Frightened!

27-09-09, 20:41
I've suffered with Panic Attacks ever since going to the doctors struggling to breathe - only for her to panic me to death by saying she thought i had a clot on my lung and rushed me straight to hospital, luckily it turned out to be a case of mild asthma. Well that was over 3yrs ago I am no closer to preventing them coming or calming my mind when one if happening.

If i can i would like to describe what happens to me when i have a panic attack in hope that someone will say i am not alone and that it is perfectly normal (well as normal as the next Panic Attacker, sorry what do we call oursleves?)

I can be sitting watching tv or out with friends having a great time when i will notice my heart beating, then i will panic and it will start beating faster and faster causing my hands to get clammy and i will get an urge to go to the toilet. The heart thing can be so bad that i actually do think i am going to have a heart attack - numerous times i have been to the doctor (a different one) and hopsital who have done countless ECG's, blood tests and everything is perfectly normal apart i do have a slightly fast heart beat.

Sometimes it is so intense that i wont notice anything going on around me, my whole body tenses causing shoulder and arm ache which conviences me more that i am having a heart attack, other times my throat feels swollen and it feels like something is stuck at the back no matter how much i drink to flush it down.

The worst thing is the lack of sleep!! I can have a good day and then go to bed when the heart thing will start again, so there i go thinking if i fall asleep i might not wake up - i cant keep working on less than 2hrs sleep a night!!!!

Luckly i have a fabulous husband who is understanding (at first he was confused and thought a parcetamol would fix it :blush: ) but i want to get back to 'normal' for his sake aswell as my own.

I am sorry for rambling but just one person to tell me this is ok might make all the difference, its such a scary, frightening experience that noone seems to really understand. I am only 26 and recently married - please help.

Thank you for reading this x

27-09-09, 21:12

You just described one of my attacks perfectly
I have had ECG's and called an ambulance one night i was that convinced i was having a heart attack
Cant sleep eather
Know exactly what you are going through x

Vanilla Sky
27-09-09, 21:44
And mine to , I have been in an ambulance with the blue light flashing, for it to be a panic attack ! Learn to recognise the signs and instead of like me ( and prob many others ) go into a panic about it..., do the opposite.., sit down, relax all your muscles, breath calmly and tell yourself , it's going to pass in a minute if i just sit here like this.. and trust me, it will. It took me a long time to do this and it works , you will calm quicker and it will be over. Keep doing this and you will learn to stop it in it's tracks. Love Paige x

28-09-09, 12:50
Thanks for everyones replies! Great knowing i am not the only on going through this!

Panic over!! - how do you cope? with the 'heart thing' and the lack of sleep? I am not one for pills if you have any advice? x

28-09-09, 13:26

It got so bad being worried anout a heart attack it git to the stage that i wanted one because i had enough,one night when i had chest pains i ran up and down the stairs thinking "if you are going to have a heart attack do it now" of course i never did but i thing facing and confronting my thoughts helped as i dont think about it half as much now,
With the sleeping i have not yet cracked that one still have really bad nights x

28-09-09, 18:20
Thats brilliant advice, i think i might try that next time - although you are braver than iam because i dont want to die and think thats the thing that makes them so bad!!!

Its such a comfort knowing other people out there, its soooo hard trying to explain how i feel and how frightened i get, and them saying 'just try not to worry' -just makes me want to slap them (not literally) :D x