View Full Version : Extremely depressed........im sooooo stuck!

27-09-09, 21:21
Hello all,

I havent really used this site that much, but recently i have been really struggling. I have been suffering from depression for 1 year now. I have been in counselling for 9 months of that, every week! I have felt myself getting better but have recently had a set back.
Things have gone extremely wrong at work that is not my fault! (i was promised work over winter 6 months ago, they have given it to someone else which leaves me homeless and jobless in 5 weeks. they only told me 4 days ago.....my employee mislead me for 6 months)
I am so angry and upset as anyone would be. The only thing is, i have been that down n scared that much that i have puched cupboards, felt like driving my car into a wall and at times just ending my life. its as though i really can not cope with it all anymore. I see my counsellor in a couple of days, i am trying to hang on in there. Im so confussed n stuck and i dont know what to do!

27-09-09, 21:27
Hi Nikki

Not surprised your feeling low at the moment
please hang on until you see your councillor im sure they can help,
things usually have a way of working out x