View Full Version : really scared right now!!!

28-09-09, 00:24
Been off citalopram for 3 months....and with no panic attacks....i thought awesome i,m on the mend. But these last 2 nights i been goin to bed and when i close my eyes after a few minutes.....i get like this surge and its like i can not breath....which starts of tingles right through my body..pains in chest and inner left arm....also my head feels spaced out. But as soon as i open my eyes it calms down a bit....but then leaves me wanting to stay awake cause i,m afraid to sleep. I hate it and worried it might be real serouis....now i,m sat in bed panicking!!! Does this happen to any one else? Or can any one help?

28-09-09, 00:58
Sorry you are having such a hard night. Try and remember how you got through it the last time. Any time you feel like you cant breathe remember to breathe properly and focus on calming down with each breath. The tingling is probably coming from hyperventilating when you get naxious. You can do this, you did it before.

28-09-09, 03:28
I know exactly how you feel laila. last night laying on the couch I felt relaxed and calm......then suddenly I felt a hot flash... increased heartrate. nervous...and had to sit up and breath in for 10 minutes. then I took my medication and fell asleep a few later.. *only for 4 hrs.* But when I woke up this morning.. I've been anxious most of the day... It kind of sucks man. SO I feel for you.
Take deep calming breathes... take a few minutes to concentrate on your surroundings.. and feel positive about your situation. If that don't work..then talk to your doctor and see what they say.