View Full Version : not cancer this time, MS , please help!

28-09-09, 11:54
I feel like I am about to have a break down, please help! Let’s start somewhere near the beginning, my HA has always been cancer related. It started last year when I had what felt like a persistent lump in my throat. After consulting Dr google it was obviously oesphgeal cancer and from that point it all went downhill. Since then I have had breast cancer, stomach cancer, ovarian cancer and cervical cancer and survived them all. Throughout that time I have had persistent hiccups which I have seen the doctor about numerous times, he reassures me its anxiety related.

Recently I thought things were getting better and I was managing to get a bit of perspective on things. I have had a “funny” eye for a few months, it seems like the vision isn’t quite right, although I can’t quite put my finger on what is wrong with it. It is often blurry in the morning and takes a while to clear. To start off with it I just ignored it thinking it would go away, but it didn’t. I am very conscious of my eye now and it feels constantly strange. I have been to the optician and all was fine. For the last little while I have been very fatigued, sleeping at every opportunity. My limbs have also felt week and I have been even more uncoordinated than normal. Sometimes I get the sensation the ground moves. Even with all these symptoms I managed not to panic! I put it down to anxiety, even though I wasn’t feeling particularly anxious and ignored it in the hope it would go away.
It hasn’t and this weekend things have got even worse. NOW I AM PANICING! I feel very weak and tired. And I have started twitching. My legs felt really uncomfortable and I needed to more them all the time and the muscles just twitch at random. It does seem slightly worse in the evening. Sometimes I get sharp burning/stabbing pains in my legs and other parts of my body. Sometimes pins and needles in my feet. The muscle twitching teamed with the funny vision in one eye, hiccups and other symptoms including extreme tiredness screamed MS at me. Now I am trying to get some perspective on things.
Could the hiccups of been MS from the start? Is it likely to be MS? I am 25 and female. Have other people had these symptoms and survived to tell the tale? Is this HA? Maybe it has been MS all along and not HA?
To make matters worse I can’t get in to see the doctor until next week, by that time I am going to be a right state! This is not my usual fear, so in my mind that somehow makes it more credible.
I anxiously await your response.

28-09-09, 12:00
oh and I forgot to mention the forgetfullness, memory loss (been going on for some time) and what feels like I am vibrating / shaking most of the time. I am sure if I thought about it the list would go on!!
Thanks in adwance

28-09-09, 12:05
Have you ever read this thread?


I devised this thread and it is a sticky on another forum I visit....Dooges kindly pasted it across to here to help people on here.

Hope it helps.

28-09-09, 12:13
hi, i also am an ms worrier majorly at the moment and cant get it out of my head, despite going to the docs numerous times. I dont think hiccups is a sign of ms though! You should be reassured that you have been CERTAIN all of the other times you had cancer when you didnt. Have a read of the post its fab and it really reasures me temporarely anyway lol. There are so many people that fear ms so you are not alone. xx

28-09-09, 13:10
The thread really does help to reassure me, but only while I am reading it! Thankyou for your kind words rebeccad. As for the hiccups, I read somewhere it could be a symptom of MS, how silly of me to even be looking!I really should know better by now! HA def sucks x

28-09-09, 13:50
hun you sound like ou have restless leg syndrome


esp your urge to move your legs x

28-09-09, 19:10
Thanks for the link. it still amazes me that my mind can cause all these symptoms, feel almost mad!!!