View Full Version : I'm really tired of this,I don't know what to do anymore.

28-09-09, 15:28
Hey guys/gals, my name is Ricky. I've had these Panic episodes for years now but recently they have gotten much worse, I'm not trying to overexaggerate but this is ruining my life. I literally feel like I'm going to die, I get very shaky especially in my legs and my stomach, I know that might sound weird, but I get a very funny feeling in my stomach.. almost a tickle feeling but not in a good way. I also feel like I'm going insane, like the smallest things will make me feel like I've completely lost control of myself.

I don't know if Panic Attacks can be triggered but they started to get very bad when my younger sister (She has been dying of a terminal disease ever since she was a baby, she has seizures all the time) had a bad reaction to her medication and went into a coma-like seizure. I've never really seen anything like that and it messed with me pretty bad. A couple weeks later I started feeling shaky so I ran downstairs and took a shower (dont ask me why) and at the time I didn't know that a hot steaming shower can raise your blood pressure/heart rate. Well i got out and I thought I was dying of a heart attack or something because my BP was way up and I was just freaking out worse then i ever have.

I got numerous tests done, EKG, ALOT of blood tests, chest x-rays, I even requested a stress test and I'm 22 years old.. everything turned out fine. Even though I KNOW FOR A FACT i'm healthy I still think Im dying when I start having these panic attacks. I really don't know what to do guys, I'm not the type of person to cry but I will cry my eyes out at night.. all I want is to feel normal again. I mean, I honestly have no problem socializing with people or going out.. but now Im kind of afraid this will happen at work or out in public and its messing with me bad.

28-09-09, 15:43
I just would like someone to talk to or someone that can relate. I feel so alone with this. Whenever I am having a panic attack my mom will tell me to "Stop it and calm down".. You have no idea how angry that makes me. Please, if you have any advice Id appreciate it.. even if you dont.

28-09-09, 17:13

You've just described awful anxiety and panic attacks. I know - even although you know you are healthy you can't convince your anxiety. Has your doctor given you anything to help you through this? Maybe some medication can help you to cope for a while until you become calmer again. You are not going insane you are in a high state of anxiety which you can learn to live with. Medication or not you can get over this eventually by trying not to be afraid of it. It was an awful experience for you to watch your sister and you've obviously been very affected by it. Try to accept that you are anxious and that the physical symptoms are anxiety symptoms and try not to be overwhelmed by them. Let them come, wash over you, carryon with what you are doing and eventually they will fade away when you are no longer scared of them. They depend on your dislike of them to keep them going.

28-09-09, 17:43
I appreciate it Myra.

I had a question I forgot to ask. Do any of you ever feel bad physically after you have had a panic attack? The other day I felt pretty awful afterwards, I was thinking it was just my mental state.. I mean I was in pretty bad shape mentally. Feeling sorry for myself asking the "Why does this have to happen to me, what did I do that was so wrong?" question and just being completely down on myself.

28-09-09, 18:01
hi ricky
I know exactly how you feel, im 23 and used to get really bad attacks like yours, they went away for a while but now they are back and worse than ever. My biggest fear is having one in public because I feel like everyones staring. Just remember your not alone, I know it feels like they will never go away but I promise they will in time. Have you asked your doctor about cognative behavioural therepy? its really helpful and try reading Dr Claire Weekes books if you havent already. They often cure people by themselves. Remember theres a power inside you that will come through and beat this, it may take time but it will happen and you will look back at your attacks and realise they were a valuable lesson.
Goodluck and let me know how you get on, you can do it :)
p.s: myra, your thread was great advice

28-09-09, 18:16
I appreciate it guys, I know I can get over this it just seems impossible at times.

29-09-09, 20:19
Hi Ricky

I just wanted to say that you are 100% not alone, what you have described is almost the same as what happens to me (I notice my heart beat, i worry about it, hands get clammy, my legs shake, i tense up, get pains in my chest, shoulders and arms, am so sure i am having a heart attack that i ended up in A&E more times that i care to remember)- nothing is ever wrong but that i have wound myself up) and i am healthy too, like you.

I know how you feel when people tell you 'just stop worrying' or 'snap out of it' or 'calm down' - IF IT WAS THAT EASY DONT YOU THINK WE WOULD HAVE DONE THAT BY NOW!!!!! LOL. My husband tried to give me a painkiller as he thought that would help when it all first started - Bless him! But people dont understand unless its happened to them.

As for the feeling bad after - i always do, i worry that my family think i am odd, that i am not normal and that it is going to happen again. I am only 26 and went to Florida recently, it was runied but my panic attacks didnt help as i thought by going on the scary rides it would raise my heartbeat causing another panic attack!!! - Stupid huh!

But everyone on here is really friendly - our panic attacks will get better, this website is proof!!

Best of luck x