View Full Version : Convinced myself I have cancer

28-09-09, 16:50
I stupidly googled my symptoms and I have all the symptoms of Ovarian Cancer. I have the IBS type symptoms, the nausea, the lower abdominal pain (especially worse on my low right hand side), I'm getting indigestion almost daily no matter what I eat etc. I'm 29 and have convinced myself it's ovarian cancer. I've been told I have IBS by my Dr even though I've had no tests other than full blood works done (and a chest x-ray for something else). I've been in constant pain with all across my lower abdomen (I'm thinking it's my bowel) for months. My antispasmodics don't work (on merbentyl) and neither do painkillers (take co codomol). Just can't ge the thought out of my head that is could be ovarian cancer but I of course won't mention it to my Dr when I go next week because I won't have tests etc.

Cell block H fan
28-09-09, 17:28
If you're going to the docs anyway, I would definately mention it but I know what you mean about tests. As I have said recently in other threads, those symptoms you mentioned above, are what got me on this site a few weeks ago. I have had all of those you mentioned in the past & also convinced myself I had ovarian whatsit. The bloating/indigestion was horrible, I was even gettting it after I had drunk a cup of tea & not eaten anything! That went on for quite a few weeks & my doctor also said I.B.S.
That was going back about 6 years ago now, & i'm still here! So I guess now he must of been right. But worrying about it, certainly made it worse. I have had them all back again off & on over the years, except mine is left hand side pain, never on the right. My money is on an ovarian cyst or I.B.S, but I haven't been to the docs because it does eventually go away for a while, ive got my head round it being stress related. I think. x

28-09-09, 17:36
Thanks Cell block H fan (love the name, I loved Prisoner Cell Block H lol). I too know it's probably just IBS made worse my worrying and my anxiety but I read that IBS is spasms and cramping pain and mine is very rarely that. Usually just a really painful ache, like what you get when you've got a stomach bug.

Cell block H fan
28-09-09, 18:53
See mine is more like someone is pinching my ovary & keeping hold of it, or like there's a red hot poker in it. And I would get an ache down the leg. I never had the runs or constipation. So I wasn't buying the I.B.S thing at the time. Not sure I still do, ive been more inclined to think I have a cyst that flares up every now n then. Other than that I still dont know for sure really.

28-09-09, 20:38
Hi cat80,
I have been diagonosed with IBS also without no tests, and the way you describe your pains etc is exactly like me, and i often worry it isnt IBS because as u said i read about the cramps and spasms and i hardly have that at all. Mine is a pinching dull ache (almost like period pain) mostly on my lower left but i do get odd pains on the right, i get the most horrific bloating which is the worse for me, sometimes i look like im 6/7 months pregnant!! And i get lower backache. As all these symptoms came on after i started to suffer with anxiety, HA and depression, the doctor done some bloods all was ok and put it down to IBS brought on by stress. I was scared of ovarian cancer also as the symptoms are so similar, but im trying to keep that thought out of my head!!
Just wanted to let you know you are not alone, take care, Debs xx