View Full Version : Imense Fear

28-09-09, 18:50
Hi everyone im new to the site and was arfter some good advice. I am really terrified that i am going to have a heart attack i am overweight , dont smoke , dont drink and have never done drugs i have had more ecg's than i can remember i have had 2 strees test done on my heart and all fine i am waiting for a ct on my heart to put my mind at rest but what i cant get my head round is the chest pains that i get when i get anxous and my left shoulder aches really bad can anyone give advice on the symptoms and does anyone else suffer from this plz reply:scared15:

28-09-09, 19:15

Chest pains and aches are very common with anxiety. Once you get the ct you'll probably be able to calm down and realise that it's stress that's causing these things. I know it's easy to say but try and relax. The fact that all your other tests have been okay sounds good. I know when you're anxious you always think the worse but it's usually not. Take care.

29-09-09, 12:31
As you have had all medical tests I imagine that the symptoms you feel are either muscular or anxiety related. If you check some older posts you will see that heart worries can be a fairly common form of health anxiety. I myself have suffered from this for years. It will get better and just think how you have had lots of health confirming tests and try to relax and concentrate your mind on something else. Very hard I know but you will improve. XX