View Full Version : Help please :(

28-09-09, 19:30
I'm pretty new to this website, have read here a bit and just want to say how much its helped me :)

My HA has only been around a few weeks and after a worry free weekend I'm feeling horrible and anxious again so felt I needed the post.

I've had a swollen gland on my neck for a year or two which my doc has checked and has said its nothing to worry about. However recently my tonsil on that side has gotten swollen but not painful at all and my jaw has been aching on that side too. So of course I'm convinced I have throat/lymphoma cancer.

I'm 19, have never smoked and hardly drink yet I can't get these thoughts to go away :(

Can someone ease my worries as I don't seem to be able to reason with myself :(

28-09-09, 19:52
Anyone? the symptoms seem to come and go, like yesterday I was fine but today the anxiety has been bad and so has this :(

28-09-09, 20:04
Helen - give it some time and people will reply.

28-09-09, 20:16
Hi Helen

I have had a swollen gland on the right side of my neck for years now. When i first discovered it, i freaked. I automaticly thought the worst and ran to my gp for advice. It turned out to be nothing at all and i was reasured that both sides of our bodies don't always measure the same.

As for your tonsils. Like you, when i get anything in my throat, it ALWAYS only effects one side to begin with. Please don't worry about it as it's probably nothing at all.

If there is one bit of advice i can pass on to you then it is, don't start checking yourself all the time. The more you check, the more you will convince yourself that there is something abnormal when 99.999% of the time there's not.

Take care

28-09-09, 20:21
Thankyou :)

I seem to be obsessed with symmetry in my neck, so if something isn't the exact same I totally freak out grrr.

I managed to get myself out of the 'checking cycle' for about 2 weeks so its probably no coincidence that as soon as I start checking the 'symptoms' return.

28-09-09, 20:36
That's why you need to stop checking hun!
You can actualy create or exaggerate symptoms but poking and prodding, that's possibly why the symptoms come back when you start checking again!
I know it's difficult but you will do it! :yesyes: