View Full Version : Does anyone feel like this?

28-09-09, 20:05
Hi all,
Hope everyone is doing ok?
I was just wondering if anyone felt like this on a daily basis - my panic and anxiety is definitely at its worst in the morning where it can take me up to 2 hours to want to get out of bed as it feel fearful to get out?
It is almost as if my legs are secured down to the sheets and i cant move - eventually i do feel restless and have to get out but not without crying sometimes and then it takes me an age to get ready for work so i am always late - does anyone have this daily?>
I would like to hear from others who do
take care

28-09-09, 20:10
Yepp, know what you're saying completely.. i suffer with panic attacks, and thats all i think about when i wake up, till when i go to bed.. I've got severe problems with anxiety at the moment.. and in the morning i just think.. whats the point of getting out of bed? I'll lay in bed and just cry because i know in a way i feel safe there... I have it on a daily basis, and its worse when you cant put your finger on the problem itself... do you get enough sleep? Im just thinking when you wake up is your body (in a way) still tired, i dont get alot of sleep as it is due to my anxiety problem... but i can definately relate to you...

28-09-09, 21:10
I do every morning i dread the day starting but i get better towards lunch time the feeling is horrible

28-09-09, 23:06
I find the longer I lay there the worse it gets. Now days when I wake as long as its after 6am and not the middle of the night, I force myself out of bed and start the day before I get into the worry and fear of the day ahead. Once I am up and going I am usually able to manage the thoughts better.
Change your bed room around so you see something different in the morning anything to break the pattern.

28-09-09, 23:08
Always worse in the morning
makes it worse if i lie in bed thinking about it and dont get up

29-09-09, 03:00
If we go to bed dreading tomorrow, we'll always wake feeling anxious about facing the day ahead.

If at home, make sure you have something to look forward to each day.

If working, look at ways to ease the load at work or consider looking for a job you think you'll enjoy.

As Rod says, the longer we lay there after we wake, the more anxious we'll feel so always get up immediately before the anxious symptoms make you feel too ill because you need to start doing things to keep the mind occupied away from anxious thoughts.

Anxiety in the morning is always caused by a fear of facing the day ahead because we expect every day to be the same. The cycle is broken when we make changes in our lives so that we look forward to getting up every day.:hugs: